Everyday Design Challenge

Stephen Heffernan
Isobar Ireland
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2017

I have always been incredibly into drawing and doodling but I had started to notice that the busier I was getting during the day, the less time I was putting away to do this activity that I love. So at the start of this year I decided to make myself a little challenge where I have to make and post at least one thing to my Instagram everyday. At first, like most things you start at the beginning of the year, it seemed easy and completely manageable, which was the case for about 2 days.

Although it can be hard to dedicate time to something when it’s only for yourself, it feels like its probably some of the most important work I do in terms of learning and motivation. Before I started putting that effort in, I used to have a hard time committing to my own creative ideas, which really isn’t a great help every time you start a project. Without deadlines to work towards or client timings, it really allows you the time to learn how to work these problems out.

A good example of this happening before was when I was doing the ICAD Upstarts where we got a new brief every week. I remember each time we would get a new brief I would come up with a load of ideas, and then when I had a good few routes, I would start to narrow them down. The problem that I kept on facing was I would narrow them down a little and then hit a complete standstill where I simply couldn’t make the decision of which idea was best to go with. It led to a lot of time wasted, which I really didn’t have. So all of the second guessing and doubting myself almost made me not submit any solution to the brief, just because I didn’t trust my own thinking.

Since starting this I have gained a lot more confidence with the entire process of creative thinking, from coming up with an idea for something, making it, sticking with it (even if it is just a stupid joke that will only end up on Instagram) and putting it live. It’s taught me a few lessons on taking ownership of ideas and the reasoning that goes with them.

Personally, I think when working in the creative industry, putting time aside to work on strictly self initiated projects for no profits whatsoever, is incredibly valuable (if it’s viable) . It’s easy to get busy and forget why you got into what you’re doing in the first place, but re-discovering that love for something, is what it’s all about. It’s been 91 days since I made a new habit, and now I carry around a sketchbook and pen with me everywhere I go, just like my 16 year old self. It’s something I never realised I missed.

