
A Poem

Jonathan Greene


Photo by James Yarema on Unsplash

It’s funny that you think this matters
as if we ever had control of this platform
one built for “independent writers”
when our independence was stripped long ago
as publications sprouted from the innards of the source
like a petri dish full of fungi
with most of us knowing
that all of these publications, stamped by the house,
were just replications of what we’d been doing for years
and now they just wanted to do what we did
and amplify themselves for the sake of the
independent writer
and push us down below the surface of the Earth

Well, what we found was that it was comfy here
without a spotlight or a side deal or a megaphone
to help us become what we wanted to be
because those of us who chose to remain under the rubble
just built our own nests and laid our eggs
and then we watched our babies hatch and grow
and we remained truly independent
because we never took the deal to scale
so we never cared if there would be layoffs in the future



Jonathan Greene

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene |