The Trappings of Time

A Letter From Isolation #4

Jonathan Greene
3 min readMar 30, 2021


Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

Isolation is a reminder that this is a place to call my own. The trappings of time seem to have dripped through my fingers and onto the floor. I missed an entire month. It’s because I didn’t write that much last month. Either way, here we are.

These letters will go out on the 30th of every month (excuse the skip last month) and recap the prior month of poetry here (or two this month). As with all of my newsletters, all links in them are friend links, so that anyone can read them for free. Also, the text is just a preview of the full poem. Click the link to read the whole thing.

The poems will be grouped by month for now on the publication page, but soon I will begin to create some personal collections. It feels nice to have a place to call my own. Thank you for reading.

The trappings of time
slide through me
like warmed butter
so I can’t tell the difference
between now and then
or future or past
and all I can do
is look out into the world
and wonder how it came to be
that I could withstand
the tides of fifty years
against my soul

Highlighted Poems from February and March

This Day Never Goes Away

“Your birthday remains,
far outlasting you
and leaving me threadbare
and in need of sewing
because my heart is on the floor again
and I’m too sad to zip it back in”


“Call me an astronaut as my mind wanders free
in search of a new horizon, a new destiny
held inside a grab bag of words and sentences
that allow me to float in space”

I Haven’t Written in a Week

“because even I am too tired for it
when the world has been a spelling mistake
and I am just waiting to get the word
at the spelling bee of my life”

Dripping with Desperation

“You are dripping with desperation
and every time you wring your hands
more water fills the bucket
and your despair overflows
into a tidal wave of reductivity
leaving a small puddle of sadness
in the dark corner of the void
along with your perceived value”

Head Down

“when your product is a combination
of our blood, sweat, and tears
and word-drippings from our soul
and all you can do is press review
to add back those that disgraced
the very backbone of all writing”

Monthly Note

This site is highly useful. It’s pretty. But it will never be an uplift for poets. Just write words and publish them if you must. I do this for me. It is of no consequence who sees it or drinks it in. I have let the words go.

Monthly Quote

“Forever is composed of nows.” — Emily Dickinson



Jonathan Greene

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene |