Major Plutonium Isotopes (For Wonks!)

Everything you wanted and needed to know about Pu isotopes.

Strategic Swagger
Isotopes and Elements
1 min readJul 17, 2014


In our second installment of this week’s ‘Isotopes and Elements’ series, we are keeping up with our elemental swag and delivering a fresh look at plutonium isotopes. This chart will answer all of life’s biggest questions: What is plutonium? Where does it come from and why is it a big deal?

There you have it you wonks! StrategicSwagger answering life’s biggest isotope-related questions since this past Tuesday!

Download your free PDF copy and impress spouses, coworkers, and office cats here:

Written by: Cervando A. Bañuelos II
Edited by: Marianne Nari Fisher



Strategic Swagger
Isotopes and Elements

Putting the swag in strategy and changing old-school minds with nuclear, energy, defense and technology policy blurbs. Freshness guaranteed. @StrategicSwag.