Major Uranium Isotopes (For Wonks!)

A handy guide to Uranium Isotopes for Wonks and pretty much anyone else.

Strategic Swagger
Isotopes and Elements
1 min readJul 16, 2014


Uranium 238. Uranium 235. Uranium 234.

What do those numbers mean? We constantly see them surface in the media, especially with Iran and North Korea, and we see them any time the nuclear issue comes up. What is the difference between them? Are they all uranium? How are they similar? How are they different? An isotope is an element whose number of neutrons varies, but what does that mean for me and broader national security?

Thankfully we here at StrategicSwagger have made a handy guide for you!!!

This chart has all of the major physical and important facts about the important uranium isotopes that you will need to impress your friends, coworkers, and pretty much anyone.

So there you have it folks, your very own isotope chart for all your uranium needs. Don’t get caught without it!

You can download your (free) high-res copy here:

Written by: Cervando A. Bañuelos II
Edited by: Marianne Nari Fisher



Strategic Swagger
Isotopes and Elements

Putting the swag in strategy and changing old-school minds with nuclear, energy, defense and technology policy blurbs. Freshness guaranteed. @StrategicSwag.