Custom training on site development, security, and testing

Isovera Staff
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2017

To prepare to deliver exceptional services to support the ground-breaking new Drupal 8 site, Isovera worked with the team — a mix of senior level front-end and back-end developers and designers with varying degrees of Drupal and php knowledge- to augment their Drupal knowledge. Isovera did this by breaking up team training into two parts: general training with a standard curriculum (this was to be conducted as the site was being built by Drupal partner Palantir), and an additional custom training to be conducted after the site was developed and Palantir developers had handed off the site to

Palantir helped develop their website while Isovera trained how to give their users best in class support

General Training

To enable the team to best leverage their Drupal 8 site, Isovera put together a number of courses to create an “all-in-one” curriculum, and segmented that curriculum into two one-week pieces. These courses equipped the team with skills from developing secure modules and themes, to using Git version control, and adhering to convention and coding standards as well as security best practices when working in Drupal. By experiencing hands-on workflows and training, the was able to cultivate their cross-communication skills, and create a shared understanding of the big picture of developing and maintaining a website.

Custom Training

To help the team “take over” the development of their site from development partner Palantir, Isovera created custom training to target issues and questions concerning the site functions and capabilities. This training was conducted through post-training tutoring sessions, and was held remotely with small groups. The sessions provided instructional feedback and general insights to help the team with specific questions and issues regarding their site interaction. They walked away from the sessions with an awareness of the necessity for good code when it came to matters such as technical debt, regressions, and site security.

The Big Picture

Overall, Isovera helped the design and development team as they made the transition to a best-in-class, Drupal 8 website. Isovera provided with both general course curriculum and hands-on training, as well as custom training tailored to the dynamic needs and abilities of the team. By doing this, Isovera was able to address the need for broad knowledge of working with and leveraging a Drupal site, as well as the need for custom knowledge unique to the site. This allowed for the team to bring their skills up to standards of working with Drupal sites, as well as to tailor their knowledge and skills to the specific needs of their own site, equipping them to “support technical support requests that involve complex accessibility issues”, and to “be prepared to provide best support when tech support requests came into IT area”.

This article was originally posted on our Isovera Projects page.

