The Top 5 Things We Love About The New Drupal 8.6

Isovera Staff
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2018

With the release of Drupal 8.6 earlier this month come several new and improved features. Here are our top 5 favorite things about the new Drupal 8.6!

Images courtesy of dries blog and os training.

1. Remote Media Support

Remote media support enables content editors to embed videos from Youtube and Vimeo into content with a few clicks.

Adding embedded videos can be done in a matter of clicks

2. Media Library

The Media Library allows editors to easily add remote media (see above), bulk upload images, and customize the way that remote media content is featured on a webpage.

From calendars, to images, or videos, the Media Library makes it easier to add and edit remote media

3. The Layout Builder

The Layout Builder gives content editors the ability to easily choose the page layout when creating new pages (number of columns, columns vs. bricks, etc).

The Layout Builder makes it simple to choose a layout design

4. Drupal 8.6’s Demo

Drupal 8.6 offers a demo application called “Umami”. Umami offers a demo profile for onboarding new Drupal users, including walking users through how to launch a Drupal site, chose layouts, and add content. This gives users a better understanding of Drupal. Bonus win: Umami can be downloaded and installed in under 2 minutes.

Umami makes the introduction to Drupal 8.6 smoother by offering an easy-to-follow, hands-on demo.

5. Lower Migration Costs

Drupal 8.6 now provides vastly improved migration support, allowing for easier upgrades from Drupal 6 and 7 to Drupal 8. Easier upgrades for developers means lower migration costs, therefore making migrations to Drupal 8 less expensive than before.

Are YOU ready?

With Drupal 8.6’s new improved features there’s never been a better time to move to Drupal 8!

Want to learn what you need to get your site ready to migrate? Check out Isovera’s site audits— our site audits include an extensive Drupal 8 readiness assessment, giving you a site modules, content, and theme status update, and providing recommendations for what your website needs for a successful migration.

This article was originally published by Maggie Newberg on our Isovera blog.

