Why and How to Start Embracing AI for Talent Sourcing

Human Resources
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2020
Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Why and How to Start Embracing AI in Recruiting

For a long time, the recruitment industry has relied on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to source candidates. It is high time for recruiters to leverage AI to minimize hiring time and redundancy and increase the quality of hire.

AI for sourcing candidates is an emerging class of human resource (HR) technology designed to minimize or even eradicate, time-wasting processes such as manual screening of resumes. Screening curriculum vitae (CV) efficiently and time-consciously is still the biggest challenge in the recruitment industry.

According to a study conducted by industry analytics, more than 50% of talent acquisition managers strongly feel that the most challenging part of the recruitment process is fishing the right candidate from a large pool of applicants. Additionally, 56% of the hiring teams feel that their hiring volume will continue to increase yearly, although 66% of them plan to undergo little or no growth at all.

This implies that human resource managers are required to be more productive with limited resources. Soon, sourcing the right candidate will rely on a recruiter’s capacity to automate their hiring process intelligently. To help you better comprehend the use of AI in recruitment, we created this article on how artificial intelligence can revolutionize your recruitment process to engage, screen, and assess candidates more effectively.

What is AI for Recruiting?

AI for recruiting is the use of artificial intelligence, like learning or problem-solving that a computer can execute, to the hiring process. The use of AI will streamline some parts of the hiring process, particularly repetitive and high-volume activities.

The benefits of using AI in workflows

a) Saving recruiters’ time by automating high-volume processes

Manual screening of CVs is still the most time-consuming process of hiring, especially when the majority of the resumes received are unqualified. Screening and shortlisting a candidate to interview takes approximately 23 hours of a recruiter’s time.

Artificial intelligence for recruiting is a boon for hiring managers since it can effectively automate time-consuming and repetitive activities, like screening resumes and scheduling interviews for potential candidates. Besides, accelerating these stages of hiring workflow via automation minimizes time-to-hire, meaning recruiters are less likely to lose the best candidates to faster processing competitors.

Ispolink has designed the best AI-powered technology to not only program sections of your hiring process, but also to integrate flawlessly with your hiring stack to avoid upsetting your workflow.

b) Enhancing the quality of hire through standardized job matching criteria

As human resource data has become easier to gather, access, and assess over the years, quality of hire to become a top priority for most hiring teams.

The potential of AI to improve quality of hire is based on its capacity to apply data to standardize the toning between applicants’ experience, knowledge, and skillset and the requirements of the role. Better job matching is more likely to produce satisfied and more productive employees.

Innovations in AI for hiring

AI for hiring has multiple potential uses for automating high-volume, repetitive tasks like CV screening and potential scheduling candidates for interviews.

a) Intelligent screening software

Intelligent screening software automates CV screening by leveraging AI on your resume database. The software highlights the applicants who proceeded to become successful or unsuccessful hires based on their performance, term, and turnover.

More importantly, it discovers what existing workers’ experience, skills, and other traits are and uses the knowledge to rank, rate, and pick out the best candidate from a pool of applicants.

b) Digitized interviews

Online interview software was invented some years ago. Still, Ispolink uses AI to evaluate applicants’ word choices, speech patterns, and facial expressions to gauge their potential for the job and even the company culture.

Introducing the Ispolink Platform

Ispolink is interoperable blockchain platform that leverages AI to address the issue of sourcing top talents globally. One of the primary features of Ispolink is the integration of AI, specifically, using machine learning to match potential applicants with unmatched efficiency so that recruiters can hire employees on their own, eradicating the need for third party recruitment agencies.

Ispolink’s machine learning algorithm will learn the job demands of an advertised role and match it against the existing pool of job seekers, recommending the applicant that best matches with the job requirements. Moreover, we leverage the ML use to match suitable candidates with unparalleled efficiency based on the following criteria: experience, tech stack, professional skills and soft skills.

We are redefining the existing model- firms will be able to engage directly with candidates. For job seekers, when they search for vacancies on our platform, the vacancies will be ranked according to their competencies. The Ispolink platform is tailored to improve their overall experience by reducing the prolonged job searching, the endless waiting for feedback, coupled with convenience to receive the best offers with only a few clicks.

Website: https://ispolink.com/

