Day 12 of 40: Serve G-d continued…

The joy and power of simple heart-warming moments.

Loren Mielke
My Life is My Spiritual Practise
4 min readJan 27, 2018


Continued from Day 11.

Theme for Day 12: Serve G-d continued

“Make up your mind to serve your G-d with your gifts and talents. Impact lives, be a catalyst of change and transformation and access each window of opportunity to serve.”

It’s been a couple of days now of transitioning to water only during the day, no black tea, and I’m enjoying it. I feel somehow calmer, less agitated and cluttered. Sometimes when I have my moments of ‘OMG did I really commit to 40 days! That’s almost 6 weeks!’ I remind myself it’s really just ONE day that I’m recommitting to 40 times. This way of looking at it makes it seem so much more achievable.

All good, all G-d.

I’m meeting up with a friend this weekend. Another way overdue catch-up. I called her during the course of today to confirm the arrangement. When she answered, she said she was driving and the reception wasn’t great. She started with a profuse apology for being such a terrible friend, for not responding to WhatsApp texts, that she’s been crazy busy and feeling quite overwhelmed. At some point, we lost connection. Since she was driving and reception wasn’t great I decided I’d send her a message to say not to worry at all, I completely understand what it’s like to have a lot going on, and I think she’s a fabulous friend.

I was planning to start my text with, ‘No worries, all good!’

I’m not sure what I mistyped but the next instant my phone had autocorrected and the message was now reading, ‘No worries, all god’.

I smiled.

My heart smiled.

It was a magical moment in which I felt Source was connecting, reminding me, ‘Kiddo, there really is nothing, no single thing to worry about. Remember it’s all ME! You are safe, you are loved, I’m always with you! It is all GOOD, precisely because it is all G-D!’

Whoop Whoop! Now every time I write this phrase may I be reminded of this magical moment!

What does service mean to me?

During the course of today, a woman I called was not available and her mobile routed through to voicemail. I thought I heard her voicemail message start, ‘Hello wonderful person….’

Although an automated message, being greeted by those words felt AMAZING!! I experienced myself sitting up straight and smiling broadly. What struck me was how easily, how simply, with a little bit of creativity and no real extra effort, we can uplift another.

I had never heard that on a voicemail before. It would have taken the exact same amount of time to record and set up as any other standard voicemail recording. And yet that choice of words held the power to make someone else’s day. It certainly made mine.

I then thought, ‘Wow, that’s what service is to me. It’s lighting up another human being. Connecting in the moment and igniting a smile that lights their eyes, their heart, their whole being.’

I wanted to thank this woman and sent her a message to confirm that’s how her voicemail started. I wanted to ask her what inspired her to record that introduction.

The funniest thing was that it’s not what it says! It’s what I heard!

I don’t actually know how her voicemail kicks off, but she did confirm it's not with, ‘Hello wonderful person….’

Another magical moment indeed! There are gifts and insights even in the ‘mishaps’.

Ps. I changed my voicemail too. ‘Hello, wonderful person….’

Service through blessings and smiles.

In the late afternoon I popped into a restaurant /coffee shop I know that has free wifi. By the time I’d done all I needed to do online and was settling my bill, the night shift staff were already on duty. I asked the waiter who was processing my card payment how his day had been. He shared, ‘Slow and quiet’. When he confirmed he was working the night shift, I said, ‘May you have many generous customers tonight.’

I don’t think he heard me quite right, as he responded, ‘No, they’re not always very generous.’

‘I understand, that’s why I said, May you have many generous customers tonight.’

I could see as the penny dropped. His face lit up as he registered what I had said. He looked at me, with a warm contagious smile and eyes now alight. ‘Ah, you are giving me a blessing!’

He reached out, touched my shoulder, saying, ‘Thank you!’

It was a moment, a window to serve. I was humbled by how a little care and attention could light another. Thank you Day 12. Continued on Day 13.



Loren Mielke
My Life is My Spiritual Practise

Passionate about living consciously, connecting and contributing meaningfully