Ep 386 Tues. July 5th, 2022

Shanna Fuld
Israel Daily News
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2022

Lapid speaks with Macron about Hezbollah’s sabotage tactics; Family of fallen Tour Guide Eli Kay creates a Unity Torah & Israel ups its interest rates to prevent inflation.

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Music (from the podcast show): Sibat Hasibot, Nicole Raviv https://www.facebook.com/nikkie.raviv/videos/1375679562935170/


Prime Minister Yair Lapid is meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron today, so that’s Tuesday. He is hoping to use the meeting as a vehicle to send a message to terror group Hezbollah. Israel is currently working on talks with Lebanon over maritime borders, but are under threat from Hezbollah who does not want to negotiate at all with Israel at all over a gas rig in the water between Lebanon and Israel borders. This area of sea is contested land.

Lapid is trying to convince Macron to understand just how much Hezbollah endangers the safety of Israel and Lebanon as well. France is a large player in Lebanese politics, and there’s ton of French history and French culture in Lebanon. Lapid hopes Macron’s connections with the Lebanese government will make them take a stronger stance on Hezbollah’s terror attacks coming from Lebanon’s southern border which include drones sent to target Israel’s gas rigs this past weekend.


Israeli authorities are delaying a controversial settlement project in the West Bank. We’ve been reporting on this and last we spoke about it, it was going to move ahead. The project was proposed over 20 years ago, but has been put on hold many times due to international pressure, and it has happened yet again. The meeting to authorize settlement construction on a plot of land known as E-1 was scheduled for July 18, but is now rescheduled to September 12th. The settlement which would be built for Jews is controversial as it is set to be located in the West Bank, land that critics say is essential for a future Palestinian state.



A stabbing occured near Giv’at Shmuel in central Israel, wounding a 47-year old Haredi Yeshiva student. The incident occured near a pedestrian bridge on Highway 4 early Tuesday morning — so that’s today. While police have opened an investigation for what they believe could be a terrorist motive, the stabber remains unidentified. According to the victim’s statement, the attacker quickly fled the scene after stabbing him. The man was evacuated to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer in moderate condition and with a head injury.


Eli Kay was a South African immigrant and IDF paratrooper who was killed in a terror attack by Hamas last November in the Old City of Jerusalem. His family is commemorating him in a unique way by launching a global project called “The Eli Kay Unity Sefer Torah.” Jews throughout the world will fund and sponsor part of this Torah scroll or bible scroll in English whether it be a single letter or an entire portion of text. The Torah itself will be written by a scribe right here in Israel. Donors raised more than thirteen thousand US dollars in one day alone. The Torah will be used to educate foreign tour groups in Kay’s memory, as Kay was a tour guide for the Old City of Jerusalem.



The Bank of Israel is raising its short-term interest rates by 1.5 percent due to rising inflation and depreciation of the shekel. The bank’s change in interest rates will increase the price of adjustable mortgage rates, adding to the already increasing housing prices that have risen 15 to even 30 percent depending on where you live in Israel, over the past year.

The bank intends to make borrowing money less appealing, dampening consumer demand, and ultimately restricting the flow of money and alleviating inflation.


A 1,700 year old ancient mosaic returns home to the central Israeli city of Lod. The mosaic, dating back to the late Roman period, was discovered in 1996 during highway construction. The colorful artwork is about 55 feet long and 29 feet wide. According to the Israel Antiquities Authority, it likely served as the foyer of a mansion in Lod at the time. The mosaic was influenced by North African designs and shows fish, birds, animals and ships. For the past decade, the mosaic traveled to some of the world’s top museums. Finally, it has returned home to Lod where it was found, and will be showcased at the Lod Mosaic Center when it opens.



Shanna Fuld
Israel Daily News

I’m a news reporter living in Tel Aviv, Israel. I cover everything including politics, economics & arts & culture.