Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2024


Dead meat

Briggs walked on the left side of the road not because it was safe but because the buildings were taller and the sun was behind them and cast long shadows across the road which covered him as he walked under the cover of the shadows to avoid the harsh glare of the evening sun. He had left his motel a few minutes ago in search of the suya spot he had seen on his way into town. It looked like a decent place from what he had seen, and he was a sucker for suya. Because who else in their right minds will trek a thirty minutes just to get a piece of juicy barbecued beef if not Briggs. So he walked on rejuvenated by the thought of such a delicacy. He liked walking and he was a fast walker, but he tried to slow his pace a little, because he figured that if it took him more than the allotted thirty minutes to get to the suya joint and maybe five to eat it there and then head back it would probably be late in the night which he liked, because he loved moving around at night. It made him feel... good. And he found it very calming because of the late night breeze that drifted with his thoughts when he walked at night and tonight would be no different.

At least that’s what he thought.

He also figured he would branch at a convenience store to buy a bottle of lacasera to wash it down... or maybe two bottles. He was also a sucker for lacasera, in his little time exploring various places in the country since his wife’s death he realised that the drink was almost a constant anywhere you went.

But the universe had other things in store for him tonight.

He walked on and stopped for a moment, trying to recollect the route to the suya joint. He continued a few moments later. The road was tarred but had potholes here and there. No surprise there, it was Nigeria after all. Twenty paces into his journey the lights in the buildings on the streets went off accompanied by a collective groan of the inhabitants as they decried why Nepa had to take the light. Also, no surprise there, it was Nigeria after all.

But the real surprise was waiting for him around the corner.

The figure was seated in a mama putt with his back to the street and had a hideous scar on his God forsaken face.

Briggs walked on, unaware of what was to befall him. He moved at a slow pace, which was quite difficult for him cause he was about 6'2 and all muscle with really long legs that liked to move really fast.

And then he turned.

He turned onto a road on his left and came face to face with the biggest surprise of his life

A gun was pointed at his mid section.

He had literally blundered into it. Shops had closed or were closing. People were heading back home with drowsy eyes that weren’t really paying attention. The lights were out and the sun had practically disappeared so no one saw the gun or the person pointing it at him. But he didn’t need lights to tell who it was. He knew who it was from the shape. He knew there would be a scar on the left side of his face.

"We need to talk" said the man with the scar.

Yes we do, thought Briggs.

Whatever doubts he had evaporated the moment he heard the voice, he knew who it was.

It was the man who killed his wife three years ago.

But he had killed him a year after in an act of revenge.

"Let's go for a walk" the man said.

"OK" said Briggs.

And as they walked Briggs thought of how the guy had survived, and after five paces he abandoned that train of thought and climbed a new one which went through the different routes and possibilities of how he could kill this guy again...permanently.

And fifteen paces later Briggs smiled, because he had come up with three ways that could work…and he’d still make it in time for his suya and lacasera.

Five paces later he had narrowed it down to one and figured out how to dispose of the body quietly.

His smile grew wider.

