Integrating New Technology Systems - Navigating Challenges and Embracing Change

Amir Misgav
Israeli Tech Radar
Published in
5 min readNov 29, 2023

In the dynamic world of technology, innovation is the lifeblood of high-tech companies. However, introducing new technology systems into an established research and development (R&D) department can be a challenging effort. I found that this is especially true in companies with a strong culture and established ways of doing things.

Hello, I am Amir Misgav, DevOps Tech & Group Leader in Tikal.

You are going to be exposed to the challenges, strategies, methods, and tactics that help you to cope and succeed with the integration mission especially when you must influence without formal authority.

Common Challenges in Integrating New Technology Systems

Integrating new technology systems into an R&D department often presents several challenges, including:

  • Resistance to Change: Employees may be hesitant to adopt new technologies, fearing workflow disruption, potential job displacement, or the need to acquire new skills.
  • Compatibility Issues: Integrating new technology with existing systems can be complex, often requiring extensive testing and debugging to ensure seamless operation.
  • Cultural Integration: Aligning the new technology with the company’s culture and values is crucial for long-term adoption and success.
  • Training and Support: Providing adequate training and support to employees is essential to ensure they can effectively utilize the new technology.
  • Cost and Time Considerations: Implementing new technology systems can be costly and time-consuming, requiring careful planning and resource allocation.

Strategies for Effective Integration

To overcome the challenges above and ensure the successful integration of new technology systems, I always recommend that R&D departments adopt several strategies:

  • Engage Employees Early and Often: Involving employees in decision-making and providing regular updates throughout the implementation phase can help reduce resistance to change.
  • Thorough Testing and Planning: Rigorous testing and comprehensive planning can help identify and address potential compatibility issues before they impact operations.
  • Align with Company Culture: Understanding and aligning the new technology with the company’s culture and values can foster a sense of acceptance and ownership among employees.
  • Comprehensive Training and Support: Investing in comprehensive training programs and providing ongoing support can ensure employees are well-equipped to use the new technology effectively.
  • Phased Implementation: A phased approach, starting with pilot projects and gradually expanding to larger groups, can minimize disruption and allow for adjustments as needed.

Developing Tailored Methods for Integration

Every company has its unique culture and way of doing things. Therefore, developing specific methods that suit the company’s context is essential for successful integration. This may involve:

  • Identifying Key Stakeholders: Identifying and engaging with the key stakeholders, such as R&D managers, technical leads, and end-users, can provide valuable insights and facilitate a smooth transition.
  • Understanding Existing Processes: Gaining a thorough understanding of existing workflows and processes can help tailor the integration approach to minimize disruptions.
  • Championing Change: Identifying and empowering internal champions within the R&D department can help advocate for the new technology and encourage adoption among peers.
  • Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: Regularly evaluating the impact of the new technology and making necessary adjustments can ensure its long-term success.
  • Celebrating Achievements: Recognizing and celebrating milestones and successes can boost morale, foster a sense of accomplishment, and reinforce the value of the new technology.

Integrating New Practices and Methodologies into R&D Using Influence without Authority Tactics

In addition to integrating new technology systems, R&D departments often need to adopt new practices or methodologies to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. However, introducing these changes without formal authority can be challenging. Here’s how to leverage influence without authority to successfully integrate new practices and methodologies into an R&D department:

  • Establish Credibility and Expertise: Build trust and respect among your colleagues by consistently demonstrating your expertise and knowledge in the relevant areas. Share your insights and provide valuable contributions to ongoing projects, establishing yourself as a trusted resource.
  • Become a Champion of the New Practice/Methodology: Demonstrate genuine enthusiasm and belief in the benefits of the new practice or methodology. Articulate the potential improvements it can bring to the team’s work and the overall R&D process.
  • Focus on Collaboration and Shared Ownership: Frame the adoption of the new practice or methodology as a collaborative effort, emphasizing the benefits for the entire team and the R&D department as a whole. Encourage active participation and seek input from colleagues to foster a sense of ownership.
  • Start Small and Build Momentum: Begin by implementing the new practice or methodology in a small pilot project or a specific area of the R&D department. This allows for focused experimentation, evaluation, and incremental adoption.
  • Highlight Successes and Address Challenges: Proactively share the successes achieved through the implementation of the new practice or methodology. Acknowledge and address any challenges that arise, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Be a Facilitator and Enabler: Provide guidance and support to your colleagues as they adapt to the new practice or methodology. Offer training, resources, and mentorship to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Encourage Open Communication and Feedback: Foster a culture of open communication and encourage regular feedback from colleagues. This allows for ongoing evaluation, refinement, and adaptation of the new practice or methodology.
  • Align with Strategic Goals: Connect the implementation of the new practice or methodology to the broader strategic goals of the R&D department and the company. Demonstrate how it contributes to achieving these objectives.
  • Lead by Example: Consistently apply the new practice or methodology in your work. Set a high standard for adoption and demonstrate its effectiveness through your actions.
  • Celebrate Achievements and Recognize Contributions: Acknowledge and celebrate the successes achieved through the adoption of the new practice or methodology. Recognize the contributions of your colleagues and reinforce the positive impact they have made.


Integrating new technology systems, practices, and methodologies into an R&D department requires:
employing the above influence without authority tactics, careful planning, strategic implementation, and a commitment to addressing the challenges that may arise.
By engaging employees, aligning with company culture, providing comprehensive training, and developing tailored methods, R&D departments can successfully embrace the change, foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, and leverage the power of new technologies to drive innovation and growth.

