The Tikal Interview Guide

We know how stressful and painful a job search can be. We put together all of the things we feel you need to know about us, to make the process as clear and transparent as possible.

Anat Zayit
Israeli Tech Radar
5 min readOct 11, 2021


What’s in here exactly? EVERYTHING!

Starting with what we actually do, what to expect, and how to prepare for our interviews, tips, and lots more. Do you have more thoughts? — Feel free to contact your Recruiter for any questions, don’t be shy :)

Who Are We

We are a tech consultancy dedicated to expanding our clients’ R&D capabilities. Our software experts join forces with your team and empower them to accomplish even the most ambitious goals.

We believe in sharing knowledge with the community. For that purpose, we’ve established the Israeli Full Stack Developer Community, which is one of Israel’s leading online knowledge centers for developers.

Here is a taste of life at Tikal:

The Interview Process

We know that job interviews are not the most fun situations. Especially when you have no idea what you are going to be asked and how to properly prepare. To make things less stressful we laid out our entire process in detail.

Phone Screening

A short introductory conversation to set expectations between us. In this conversation, we’d like to hear a bit about you and tell you about us.

HR interview

Face-to-face in our office or via video. At Tikal, the HR interview is the first step in the process. Why? Because interpersonal compatibility is far more important to us than the programming language you use. This interview takes between 45–60 minutes. Our recommendation is to come prepared and think about all kinds of challenging and interesting situations you’ve dealt with in the past.

Technical interview (By one of our group leaders)

You will be asked about one or two interesting challenges you’ve dealt with, to help us understand what situations you have faced in the past and how you succeeded in solving them. We will go through the Home Assignment (if you’ve completed it) and ask you to explain the flow and the architectural considerations. If you have yet to receive the Home Assignment we will conduct a short online coding task.

Please feel free to ask questions!

Home Assignment

Why? To better assess your skills and to give you a preview of the things you might deal with working at Tikal. Moreover, It’s important for us to see your code, because one of our core values ​​is hands-on. We usually give a 3-day deadline, followed by a short call.

Final interview

To sum up the process, we’ll have a final meeting to ensure there’s a match with our Core Values and Cultural DNA.

Reference Check

We would like to talk to 2 people you’ve worked with, in the past. Preferably Direct Managers.


Yay! Let’s talk about what we’ll offer you.

Note: the process may change from time to time

Remote Interviews Tips

Face to Face Meeting over Google Meet / Zoom

A link to the call will appear in your calendar invitation. We recommend joining a few minutes early to make sure everything is working properly — video and audio.

Note: sometimes the problem is with the browser, so you should switch and check how it works with a different browser.

Check that your internet connection is stable before the interview.

It is better to use a computer and not a mobile phone, in order to be comfortable talking for 40–50 minutes without having to hold the device.

We recommend conducting the interview in a quiet, well-lit room so that we can see and hear you without interruptions :)

Even though the interview is conducted remotely, it’s important for us to create a good atmosphere just like in a face-to-face interview. So make sure you look directly at the camera and screen and we’ll do the same :)

How to prepare for the Tech interview — By Domain


  • JS basics, ES6/ES7
  • Functional programming
  • Async programming
  • Solution to an architectural/algorithmic challenge
  • A live coding session solving some code challenges
  • Tech specific questions based on candidate experience and expertise (React/Angular/Vue/Node)


DevOps/SRE Profile

  • Methodology:Branch Model, CI flow, CD flow
  • Networking
  • Cloud
  • Kubernetes
  • Infra as code

DataOps Profile

  • DataBases
  • BigData:
  • Data Pipeline
  • Stream Processing

SecOps Profile

  • Networking
  • Vulnerability scanner
  • IDM
  • SecretManager


  • DB concepts
  • cloud
  • communications: sync / async
  • build / deployment

Cloud Native Profile

  • microservice patterns

Data Profile

  • data streaming
  • data batch

Machine Learning

  • Data Science Statistics (Parameter Evaluation Methods)
  • Statistics of data research (hypothesis tests, etc.)
  • Mathematical Probability of Data Science (Derivatives / Integrals Gradients)
  • Data science models (supervised/unsupervised)
  • Analytics SQL
  • Scrum methodology
  • GIT best practices
  • Cloud AWS/GCP/Azure
  • Basic Linux


Frequently Asked Questions

So, What do you guys actually do?

Good question! Tikal provides professional development solutions. We work with clients that want to succeed in their ambitious missions. Assignments are extremely diverse, and innovation happens on a regular basis. We like: solving complex problems, Design, Architecture, consulting, all while always writing hands-on code. Oh, and we don’t like maintenance :)

Tell me what’s unique about Tikal

Many things!

  • Personal Roadmap — what do you want to accomplish this year in your Tech Career? We will help you get there.
  • Home of Tech — because it’s a home for people who are excited about Technology! We offer versatility alongside stability, security and of course lot’s of professional (and Awesome) people.
  • Knowledge Sharing — We share our knowledge and experience in many professional training and lectures so our experts stay at the forefront of technology
  • We got your back — You are a part of a group of experts, so you always have someone to consult with, and will never be alone with a problem.
  • Group Meetings — Working on a difficult problem that you just can’t solve? Want to participate in heated discussions about the Tech Radar? Working on a special project and need a hand? This is where it all happens.

Sounds interesting!

So, what will my professional progress look like?

Working at Tikal means gaining hands-on experience in different technologies while staying close to the most innovative technologies.

We encourage all our developers to embark on a technological leadership path while providing them with valuable training and community events. At Tikal You can mentor, lecture, build workshops and courses, lead cutting-edge projects and expand your knowledge on a day-to-day basis. It’s all about keeping it interesting and challenging for you.

How long will the recruitment process take?

Basically, it’s up to you :) On our end, we try to be very flexible. We’ll try to do the process as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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