50 recommended frameworks for nodejs

Published in
17 min readOct 25, 2018


Express.js is a fast, minimalist, flexible and simple web application server framework for Node.js.
It is one of the famous framework almost every Node.js developer know about it.
Node.js used for building web and mobile application. Many application like Yummly, MySpace, Segment.io, Geekli.st, and Klout are developed using Express.js framework.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page of Express.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/expressjs/express
Official site: https://expressjs.com/


Sails.js is one of the most popular real-time MVC microframework.
It share many similarities with Express.js framework. Sails.js compatible with many Grunt modules including CoffeeScript, Dust, SASS, LESS, Stylus, and more.
If you want to build real-time chatting application, multiplayer games, browser-based application then this is perfect solution for you.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page of sails.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/balderdashy/sails/
Official site: https://sailsjs.com/


Socket.io is a real-time application framework, and it is best for developing real-time communication and chatting application.
It is compatible with almost every device including all the mobile devices, operating system, and browsers.
It widely used by many companies like Microsoft, Trello, Yammer, and Zendesk.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page of Socket.IO framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io
Official site: https://socket.io/



Hapi.js is also a server framework for Node.js which is a used for developing application program interface (APIs) and many other software application.
Hapi is one of the enterprise-centric frameworks.
It was created by a developer at WalMart to handle extreme Black Friday online traffic. It is best for input validation, error handling logging and many more.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page of Hapi.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/hapijs/hapi
Official site: https://hapijs.com/



It is an open-source platform almost every devices including Mobile, web, desktop platform. Meteor let developer to write application for both client and server parts of an application in JavaScript.
So it is full-stack framework and can easily be integrated with react, vue, angular, mongo, graphql, npm and Cordova.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Meteor framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/
Official site: https://www.meteor.com/



Koa next generation, smaller, more robust web framework, which is developed by the same team who is working behind Express.JS framework.
It is powerful yet lightweight middleware framework which is used to build efficient web application and APIs.
Koa.js improve the readability of the application and increase the error- handling.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Koa.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/koajs/koa
Official site: https://koajs.com/


Total.js is free open-source, full-featured server-side Node.js framework.
It is fast, low maintenance cost, solid stability framework and contain all features which is required for building a web application. It can be used in building of web, desktop, and IoT application.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Total.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/totaljs/framework
Official site: https://www.totaljs.com/


LoopBack is an open-source highly-extensible, Node.js API framework, and it make it easy to develop modern application which require complex integration.
It is used by many companies like Bank of America, GoDaddy, FlightOffice, and Symantec.
It let developer to easily create client application using Android, iOS, and JavaScript SDKs.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for LoopBack framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/strongloop/loopback/
Official site: http://loopback.io/


StrongLoop is an open-source highly extensible Node.js API framework.
It allow you to visually develop REST API and then help you to connect with your data.
It also have built-in mBaas features like push and offline sync.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for StrongLoop framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/strongloop
Official site: https://strongloop.com/


DerbyJS is full stack open-source MVC framework which make it easy to real-time, collaborative applications which can be run on both Node.js and browsers.
If you want to build real-time mobile and web application then this framework is ideal for you.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Derby.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/derbyjs/derby/
Official site: http://derbyjs.com/


Mean.JS is a full-stack MVC style JavaScript framework which help developers to develop fast, robust, and maintainable web applications.
It can easily be integrated with MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Mean.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/meanjs/mean
Official site: http://meanjs.org/


Mojito is JavaScript MVC framework for mobile application development and based on Yahoo! Cocktails, and developed by developers at Yahoo.
Client and server side component will be written in JavaScript and it can be run on both client and the server side.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Mojito framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/YahooArchive/mojito
Official site: https://developer.yahoo.com/cocktails/mojito/?guccounter=1


ActionHeroJS is lightweight, fast, highly featured API NodeJs framework. This framework is best for developing reusable and scalable API server.
It has the capabilities to delay task. it support the Web Clients: HTTP, HTTPS; Socket Clients: TCP (telnet), TLS and Web Socket Clients: HTTP, HTTPS.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for ActioHeroJS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/actionhero/actionhero
Official site: https://www.actionherojs.com


Keystone is also an open-source, full-stack and powerful Node.JS framework which is used for developing database driven web Applications.
It is built on express and mongoose and this framework is reliable for developing sophisticated websites and apps which comes with a beautiful auto-generated Admin UI.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for KeystoneJS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/keystonejs/keystone
Official site: http://keystonejs.com/


Feathers is a one of the most popular NodeJS framework which is fast and provide real-time API layer to modern applications.
It gives you control over your data via RESTful resources, sockets, and flexible plug-ins.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for FeathersJs framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/feathersjs
Official site: https://feathersjs.com/


Restify is a very popular Nodejs web service framework, which is optimized for building semantically correct RESTful web services.
It is one of the most popular solution for REST APIs and also used in some of the largest Node.js deployments.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Restify framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/restify/node-restify
Official site: http://restify.com/


Sequelize is one of the famous Nodejs generator framework which is easy-to-use promise base multi SQL dialect ORM and io.js.
it gives solid transactional support and let developer to the dialects PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MariaDB, and SQLite.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Sequelize framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize
Official site: http://docs.sequelizejs.com/


Moleculer is Fast & powerful open source microservices framework for Node.js. It provide a multiple services on a node/server and supports middlewares.
Moleculer is a fault tolerance framework and has built-in load balancer & circuit breaker.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Moleculer framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/moleculerjs/moleculer
Official site: https://moleculer.services/


Frisby is one of the easiest Nodejs testing framework, it make testing of rest API easy, fast and fun.
It also provide an easy solution to customize and extend assertion which help you to make your code neat and clean.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Frisby.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/vlucas/frisby/
Official site: https://www.frisbyjs.com/


Facet framework is famous among Nodejs developer because of it provide support abstraction of middleware and handling of request/response lifecycle.
It also provide built-in CRUD functionality via find, findOne, create, update, delete functions.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Facet framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/facet/platform
Official site: http://facet.github.io/platform/


Adonis is one of the famous, beautiful Nodejs MVC framework, which is used for writing scalable applications.
Adonis make it easy to you to write web application with less code. It supported by all the devices and have capability to run file on all major Operation system.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Adonis framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/adonisjs
Official site: https://adonisjs.com


Strapi is an open source, rich featured NodeJs MVC framework, and it is one of the powerful Content Management Framework which is used to build elegant, customizable and powerful API with no effort.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Strapi framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/strapi/strapi
Official site: https://strapi.io/


CompoundJS is one of the famous, widely used MVC framework for NodeJS.
It is fast and by using this framework developer can build web application in minutes.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for CompoundJS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/1602/compound/
Official site: http://compoundjs.com/


Geddy is an original NodeJS, simple structured MVC framework.
It is based on the same MVC principle like many other popular framework.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Geddy framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/geddy/geddy/
Official site: http://geddyjs.org/


It is MVC style NodeJS framework, which is designed to be fast, simple and easy to configure.
Tesla uses the combination of npm and Bower which help create some useful boilerplates.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Tesla.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/teslajs/tesla.js/
Official site: http://teslajs.com/


Coffeemate is one of the famous widely used NodeJs web framework, which is developed to develop web application n CoffeeScript in easy and comfortable way.

Here is the link for the GitHub page for Coffeemate framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/kadirpekel/coffeemate


Chocolate is an open source, full stack and isomorphic Node.js web framework which is built using CoffeeScript.
It provide chocolate studio and online IDE and Locco an choclate protocol, LateDB database and other things.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Chocolate.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/jclevy/chocolatejs
Official site: https://chocolatejs.org


Sleek.js is a NodeJs MVC Wrapper Framework. It has the built-in base dependency on handlebars.js, express.js.
It gives better performance, flexibility and easy maintenance architecture which help developer to develop powerful websites.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Sleek.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/cubettech/sleekjs
Official site: http://sleekjs.com/


NukeJs is super fast, full-stack Nodejs web framework, which is optimized for high-speed transfer and made with real-time in mind.
It provide features like express dynamic pages, Mongoose models all-purpose Primus messaging, intelligent building system and so on.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Nuke.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/FREEZX/nuke.js/
Official site: http://nukejs.com/


Agni is simple, fast, and intuitive NodeJS MVC web framework, which is built on top of Express.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Agni framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/lortabac/agni
Official site: https://lortabac.github.io/agni/


AllcountJS is fast, fully customizable, open source and rapid application development framework for Node.js.
you still can develop production-grade applications even if you have very little knowledge about JavaScript.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for AllcountJS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/allcount/allcountjs/
Official site: https://allcountjs.com/


Catberry is NodeJS full-stack framework, which is developed to help and create “isomorphic/Universal” Web applications.
Isomorphic/universal applications are the application which use the same codebase on both the server and client environments and help then to render what the client would see as a Single page website.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Catberry framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/catberry/catberry
Official site: http://catberry.org/

33.Sane Stack

Sane Stack is a NodeJs full stack CLI framework that uses two of the best NodeJs frameworks, Sails, and Ember, and help you to rapidly develop web applications.

Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Sane Stack framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/sane/sane
Official site: http://sanestack.com/


Genji is a reusable, modular and flexible node.js applications framework which help you develop application for node.js.
It is not full stack framework and can easily be integrated with other components and framework.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Genji framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/lsm/genji
Official site: http://lsm.github.io/genji/


SocketStream is a fast, flexible node.js framework which is used for developing real-time web application.
It give you tool to provide sensible place to put everything and production Deployment skeleton.
It is really easy developing chatting application using this framework.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for SocketStream framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/meanjs/mean
Official site: http://meanjs.org/


Coke is a full stack node.js MVC framework, which is based on express.
It provide support for MongoDB and RESTful routing support.
This framework is compatible with socket.IO and can easily be installed on Mac, Ubuntu, and windows.
Here is the link for the official GitHub page for Coke framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/dreamerslab/coke/


Diet is tiny, fast and one of the famous modular node.js API framework which is best for developer who want to make quick, scalable application and APIs.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Diet.js framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/adamhalasz/diet
Official site: http://dietjs.com/


RhapsodyJS is a HMVC node.js framework which is used to develop high-performance, safe, organized and epic application.
It support sockets and has built-in REST APIs which enable you to create saleable application.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for RhapsodyJS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/rhapsodyjs/RhapsodyJS
Official site: http://rhapsodyjs.github.io/


Turtle.io is an open source API framework API which was created to reduce the requirement of resources and simplify the development of modern web application.
It is very famous among node.js developer, and developer can easily create complex web applications, with a familiar API.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for turtle.io framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/avoidwork/turtle.io
Official site: http://turtle.io/#features


We.js is an open source server-side JavaScript MVC framework which is used for developing real-time applications, sites or blogs.
T provide the functionality to split the project features into plugins and then we can use those plugins latter in our project.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for We.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/wejs/we
Official site: https://wejs.org/


Tower.js is a node.js libraries generator framework which is small components for building apps, manipulating data, and managing a distributed application.
Many application are developed using single unit of tower.js framework.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Tower.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/tower/tower
Official site: http://tower.github.io/


Pomelo is an open source fast, scalable distributed game server API framework for node.js.
This framework provide the basic development framework to developer and also provide many other related components like including libraries and tools.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Pomelo framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/NetEase/pomelo
Official site: http://pomelo.netease.com/


Nightwatch is an easy, fast, and flexible node.js framework this framework is based on E2E (END-TO-END) testing solution for web-based browser applications. This framework is based on selenium web driver.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Nightwatch.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch
Official site: http://nightwatchjs.org/


Chai is one of the famous and recommended framework which have several interface that help developer to choose the most suitable framework.
It is a BDD / TDD assertion library for node and can easily use with any other JavaScript testing framework simultaneously.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Chai framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/chaijs/chai
Official site: http://www.chaijs.com/


experimentsJS is open source, fast, scalable client-side node.js framework which is used for learning client-side frameworks and node.js.
Here is the link for the official GitHub page for experimentsJS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/MighteeCactus/experimentsJS


Cucumis is open source framework which is designed to run in node.js and it provide the asynchronous Testing Framework for node.js.
Here is the link for the GitHub page for Cucumis framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/noblesamurai/cucumis


Layers is a helper module or we can say that it is a module to assist in the creation of node.js web application.
It will help developer to automatically load and loosely couple the layers of the web application.
Here is the link for the site and GitHub page for Layer.JS framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/dave-elkan/layers
Official site: http://www.edave.net/2011/06/28/layers-layered-architecture-for-nodejs-made-easy/


Vroom is a simple, fast scalable resource-oriented web framework built on top of Node.js.
It is very easy with Vroom framework to build a scalable HTTP oriented applications.
Here is the link for the official GitHub page for Vroom framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/raycmorgan/vroom


Zappa is node.js based web application framework. This framework is built on using express and socket.io and has CoffeeScript optimized interface.
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Zappa framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/zappajs/zappajs
Official site: http://zappajs.github.io/zappajs/


It is express based flexible, fast web application bootstrapping module.
There are four module, application security, NPM proxy, Dust |18N and Dust templating.
This framework only works on Python2.6 or 2.7 and C++ compiler (GCC 4.2 or newer).
Here is the link for the official site and GitHub page for Kraken framework from where you can download and see the project code:

GitHub: https://github.com/krakenjs/kraken-js
Official site: http://krakenjs.com/

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