50 Top Projects of SQL on GitHub in 2018

Published in
12 min readOct 31, 2018

1) Sequelize

Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. It features solid transaction support, relations, read replication and more.

GitHub Stars: 14.5k+

The GitHub page of Sequelize from where you can download and see the project code is:


2) TiDB

TiDB (The pronunciation is: /’taɪdiːbi:/ tai-D-B, etymology: titanium) is an open-source distributed scalable Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) database. It features infinite horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and high availability. TiDB is MySQL compatible and serves as a one-stop data warehouse for both OLTP (Online Transactional Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) workloads.

GitHub Stars: 13.5k+

The GitHub page of TiDB from where you can download and see the project code is:


3) mysqljs

A pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySql protocol.

GitHub Stars: 12k+

The GitHub page of mysql from where you can download and see the project code is:



A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.

GitHub Stars: 7k+

The GitHub page of KNEX from where you can download and see the project code is:


5) TypeORM

TypeORM is an ORM that can run in NodeJS, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native and Electron platforms and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8). Its goal is to always support the latest JavaScript features and provide additional features that help you to develop any kind of application that uses databases — from small applications with a few tables to large scale enterprise applications with multiple databases.

GitHub Stars: 6.5k+

The GitHub page of TypeORM from where you can download and see the project code is:


6) Vitess

Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL through generalized sharding.

GitHub Stars: 6.5k+

The GitHub page of Vitess from where you can download and see the project code is:


7) mycli

A command line client for MySQL that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

GitHub Stars: 6k+

The GitHub page of mycli from where you can download and see the project code is:


8) Go-MySQL-Driver

Go MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go’s (golang) database/sql package.

GitHub Stars: 5.5k+

The GitHub page of Go MySQL Driver from where you can download and see the project code is:


9) gh-ost

GitHub’s Online Schema Migrations for MySQL.

GitHub Stars: 5.5k+

The GitHub page of gh-ost from where you can download and see the project code is:


10) DBeaver

Free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts. Supports any database which has JDBC driver (which basically means — ANY database). EE version also supports non-JDBC datasources (WMI, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis).

GitHub Stars: 5k+

The GitHub page of DBeaver from where you can download and see the project code is:


11) bookshelf.js

A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.js

GitHub Stars: 4.9k+

The GitHub page of bookshelf.js from where you can download and see the project code is:


12) PyMySQL

Pure Python MySQL Client.

GitHub Stars: 4k+

The GitHub page of PyMySQL from where you can download and see the project code is:


13) Bolt

Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of Bolt from where you can download and see the project code is:


14) kingshard

kingshard is a high-performance proxy for MySQL powered by Go. Just like other mysql proxies, you can use it to split the read/write sqls. Now it supports basic SQL statements (select, insert, update, replace, delete). The most important feature is the sharding function. Kingshard aims to simplify the sharding solution of MySQL. The Performance of kingshard is about 80% compared to connecting to MySQL directly.

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of kingshard from where you can download and see the project code is:


15) Franchise

Franchise is a lightweight but powerful SQL tool with a notebook interface.

GitHub Stars: 3k+

The GitHub page of Franchise from where you can download and see the project code is:


16) phpMyAdmin

A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB.

GitHub Stars: 3k+

The GitHub page of phpMyAdmin from where you can download and see the project code is:


17) AliSQL

AliSQL is a MySQL branch originated from Alibaba Group. It is based on the MySQL official release and has many feature and performance enhancements. AliSQL has proven to be very stable and efficient in production environment. It can be used as a free, fully compatible, enhanced and open source drop-in replacement for MySQL.

GitHub Stars: 2.5k+

The GitHub page of AliSQL from where you can download and see the project code is:


18) Requery

A light but powerful object mapping and SQL generator for Java/Kotlin/Android with RxJava and Java 8 support. Easily map to or create databases, perform queries and updates from any platform that uses Java.

GitHub Stars: 2.5k+

The GitHub page of Requery from where you can download and see the project code is:


19) usql

A universal command-line interface for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle Database, SQLite3, Microsoft SQL Server, and other SQL databases.

GitHub Stars: 2k+

The GitHub page of usql from where you can download and see the project code is:


20) SQLPad

A web app for writing and running SQL queries and visualizing the results. Supports Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, Crate, Vertica, and Presto. Written in Node.js.

GitHub Stars: 1.8k+

The GitHub page of SQLPad from where you can download and see the project code is:


21) sqlcheck

sqlcheck automatically detects common SQL anti-patterns. Such anti-patterns often slow down queries. Addressing them will, therefore, help accelerate queries.

GitHub Stars: 1.5k+

The GitHub page of sqlcheck from where you can download and see the project code is:


22) Sqitch

Sqitch is a database change management application. It currently supports PostgreSQL 8.4+, SQLite 3.7.11+, MySQL 5.0+, Oracle 10g+, Firebird 2.0+, Vertica 6.0+ and Exasol 6.0+.

GitHub Stars: 1.4k+

The GitHub page of Sqitch from where you can download and see the project code is:


23) generatedata

Random data generator in JS, PHP and MySQL.

GitHub Stars: 1.3k+

The GitHub page of generatedata from where you can download and see the project code is:


24) JSqlParser

JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes.

GitHub Stars: 1.2k+

The GitHub page of JSqlParser from where you can download and see the project code is:


25) Node MySQL 2

Fast node-mysql compatible mysql driver for node.js.

GitHub Stars: 1.1k+

The GitHub page of Node MySQL 2 from where you can download and see the project code is:


26) python-mysql-replication

Pure Python Implementation of MySQL replication protocol build on top of PyMYSQL.

GitHub Stars: 1k+

The GitHub page of python-mysql-replication from where you can download and see the project code is:


27) LAMP

LAMP is a powerful bash script for the installation of Apache + PHP + MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server and so on. You can install Apache + PHP + MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server in an very easy way, just need to choose what you want to install before installation. And all things will be done in a few minutes.

GitHub Stars: 1k+

The GitHub page of LAMP from where you can download and see the project code is:


28) mysql_utils

Pinterest MySQL Management Tools.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of mysql_utils from where you can download and see the project code is:


29) SQL Tabs

Rich SQL client for Postgresql, MySQL, MS SQL, Amazon Redshift.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of SQL Tabs from where you can download and see the project code is:


30) Fullstack GraphQL

Simple Fullstack GraphQL Application. API built with Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux to access the API. Written in ES6 using Babel + Webpack.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of Fullstack GraphQL from where you can download and see the project code is:


31) binlog2sql

Parse MySQL binlog to SQL you want.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of binlog2sql from where you can download and see the project code is:


32) Program O

PHP MySQL AIML Chatbot — One click installation. Fully loaded admin area to admin your chatbot. Set up multiple chatbots. Foreign language support.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of Program O from where you can download and see the project code is:


33) Grafana dashboards

Grafana dashboards for MySQL and MongoDB monitoring using Prometheus.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of Grafana dashboards from where you can download and see the project code is:


34) FluentPDO

FluentPDO is a smart SQL Builder for PHP.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of FluentPDO from where you can download and see the project code is:


35) MySQLDump — PHP

PHP version of mysqldump cli that comes with MySQL.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of MySQLDump — PHP from where you can download and see the project code is:


36) HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is a useful and reliable tool designed for web developers using the popular MySQL server, Microsoft SQL databases, PostgreSQL and MariaDB. It enables you to browse and edit data, create and edit tables, views, procedures, triggers and scheduled events. Also, you can export structure and data, either to SQL file, clipboard or to other servers.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of HeidiSQL from where you can download and see the project code is:


37) aiomysql

aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of aiomysql from where you can download and see the project code is:


38) Npgsql

Npgsql is the .NET data provider for PostgreSQL.

GitHub Stars: 1k+

The GitHub page of Npgsql from where you can download and see the project code is:


39) pg

PostgreSQL ORM for Golang with focus on PostgreSQL features and performance.

GitHub Stars: 1.5k+

The GitHub page of pg from where you can download and see the project code is:


40) KSQL

KSQL is the streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka.

GitHub Stars: 1.5k+

The GitHub page of KSQL from where you can download and see the project code is:


41) PipelineDB

SQL on streams, backed by PostgreSQL.

GitHub Stars: 1.5k+

The GitHub page of PipelineDB from where you can download and see the project code is:


42) Join Monster

A GraphQL to SQL query execution layer for query planning and batch data fetching.

GitHub Stars: 1k+

The GitHub page of Join Monster from where you can download and see the project code is:


43) GRDB 3

A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development.

GitHub Stars: 1k+

The GitHub page of GRDB 3 from where you can download and see the project code is:


44) gitbase

SQL interface to Git repositories, written in Go.

GitHub Stars: 1k+

The GitHub page of gitbase from where you can download and see the project code is:


45) RadonDB

RadonDB is an open source, Cloud-native MySQL database for unlimited scalability and performance.

GitHub Stars: 800+

The GitHub page of RadonDB from where you can download and see the project code is:


46) RediSQL

RediSQL is a module for Redis that embed a completely functional SQLite database.

GitHub Stars: 500+

The GitHub page of RediSQL from where you can download and see the project code is:


47) GitHub::DS

A collection of Ruby libraries for working with SQL on top of ActiveRecord’s connection.

GitHub Stars: 400+

The GitHub page of GitHub::DS from where you can download and see the project code is:


48) SQLite Client for Node.js Apps

SQLite client library for Node.js applications (SQlite3, ES6 Promise, ES7 async/await, Babel) and SQL-based migrations API.

GitHub Stars: 300+

The GitHub page of SQLite Client for Node.js Apps from where you can download and see the project code is:


49) DataFusion

SQL Query Execution against Apache Arrow, in Rust.

GitHub Stars: 300+

The GitHub page of DataFusion from where you can download and see the project code is:


50) PacketQ

A tool that provides a basic SQL-frontend to PCAP-files.

GitHub Stars: 300+

The GitHub page of PacketQ from where you can download and see the project code is:


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