IssueHunt Fest 2019 Spring: Win AirPods by contributing to OSS 🎧

Boost Note
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2019

What is IssueHunt Fest?

IssueHunt Fest is a month-long OSS sponsorship event that happens every year in May and December.

At the event, IssueHunt collects funds from sponsors and distribute the funds to GitHub projects listed on IssueHunt.

There are tons of funded issues on IssueHunt. Let’s be a bounty hunter! ⛴💰

Date and time of the event:
- Starts: May 1, 2019
- Ends: may 31, 2019

How do I participate in IssueHunt Fest 2019?

Sign in with GitHub account.

👨‍💻👩‍💻 Maintaining a repo??

Add GitHub repositories to IssueHunt. Anyone can tip-in to GitHub issues or earn bounties when submitted pull request gets merged. Bounties will be distributed to maintainer and contributor.

Request a bounty for your GitHub projects. The IssueHunt team will fund your GitHub issues on behalf of sponsors.

> Add repository

IssueHunt will chip in $5 to your issue when it receives 10 upvotes. Share it and collect upvotes!

Win AirPods by becoming top 3 most upvoted projects(the total number of upvoted repositories and issues) on IssueHunt Fest 🌟

⚒💰 Bounty hunter??

Find a project with funded issues. Contribute to open issues and get rewards!

> Browse funded repositories

Win AirPods by becoming the top 3 contributors with most rewards on IssueHunt Fest 🌟

The reason why we started IssueHunt Fest

Initially, we made IssueHunt as a tool to maintain OSS called Boostnote.

Even though the majority of Boostnote’s development was community-based we didn’t have a way to reward our developers.
After discussing this issue with our team, be built IssueHunt as a way to show our appreciation to our developers maintaining Boostenote.

We’ve received hundreds of pull request in just a week after launching the Boostnote bounty program (an article of Boostnote bounty).

We thought this program we made might help build a sustainable open-source ecosystem, so we decided to spin it off as IssueHunt, a bounty platform for OSS.

Famous open-source projects such as Jekyll, Material-UI, AntDesign, NW.js and so on has joined IssueHunt already.

Grow open-source community more

Bounty had a positive impact on OSS communities. Some projects increased the number of a pull request to 6x to 10x after listing it on IssueHunt.

Sometimes we receive feedback from OSS owner telling us “We received a pull request from developer outside our community😊.”
IssueHunt is becoming a place where talented developers meet as well.

Want to boost your OSS project development with IssueHunt?

Add your GitHub repositories to IssueHunt and get help from developers around the world right away.

> Add repository

You can easily put a bounty on not only a bug, but also on OSS feature requests. Collected funds will be distributed to owner:contributor=20%:80% (You can also customize the proportion).

Feel free to comment on this blog if you have any questions!

Let’s grow open-source projects together with IssueHunt 🤝

With love,
IssueHunt Team




Boost Note

Develop as one, grow as one. Boost Note is a powerful, lightspeed collaborative workspace for developer teams.