IssueHunt is accepting prs from unregistered users

Boost Note
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2019

Now, project owners can submit other user’s pull requests to issues in their repository regardless the user is registered to IssueHunt or not.

I guess this should reduce communication burden of project owners a little bit because they don’t need to ask contributors to submit their pull requests to IssueHunt anymore.

Also the unregistered users can be rewarded too. The rewarded deposits will be bound to their GitHub id.(Not the user name in GitHub)

So the users who are rewarded will see that all deposits have been transferred to their balance after they are registered to IssueHunt.

FYI, We’ve been implementing Automatic PR submission and rewarding since Sindre gave this feedback. Thank you!

This feature is a part of the implementation. And the automatic submission/rewarding will be presented as optional features at the first time.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Grow open source together!
KZ from IssueHunt Team

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