Welcome to Issues Decoded!

Pam Jenkins
Issues Decoded
Published in
1 min readJun 13, 2018

Issues Decoded was conceived as a way to capture and share the stream of insights that emanate from our public affairs hubs. It will examine the interplay of political, industry and cultural forces that shape diverse geographies as well as their policies — and assess what that means for industries, companies, NGOs and brands. Visit the site for a regular taste of commentary, trend-spotting and analysis on topics such as autonomous vehicles, fake news, data privacy, sustainability, drug pricing, aging, climate change and more.

New content will be posted periodically and you can subscribe to follow your favorite authors, topics or issues areas. Enjoy!



Pam Jenkins
Issues Decoded

Chair, Powell Tate. Global PA President, Weber Shandwick. Opinions my own. Health. Planet. Politics. Marketing. DEI. Women’s Soccer.