Djerdap Nationial Park

Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2015

If Serbia is not at the top of your list for your next travel destination site, it should be. That is because Serbia is home to Djerdap National Park. Situated along the Danube River, the second-longest river in Europe, Djerdap National Park is the largest national park in Serbia and it is filled with gorge-like valleys and a large variety of flora and fauna.

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djerdap gorge

Djerdap Gorge[/caption]

One of the biggest attractions to Djerdap National Park is the Djerdap Gorge or the Iron Gates. The Djerdap Gorge region is actually made up of four smaller gorges and three ravines. The four gorges are called Golubacka, Gospodjin Vir, Veliki and Mali Kazan, and Sipska Klisur. The three ravines are called Ljubovska, Donjomlanovacka, and Orsavska. Special mention must be given to the gorge of Veliki and Mali Kazan because here, you can see the Danube at its narrowest (one hundred forty meters) and deepest (ninety meters) points throughout the entire length of the river. The Djerdap gorge was created by the Danube River slowly eroding away the Carpathian Mountains, leaving behind steep and sometimes vertical cliff faces. Due to this slow erosion, there are places within the park where one can clearly trace the geologic progression of millions of years. The oldest parts of the park date to the Proterozoic aeon or around two and a half billion years ago.

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Medieval fortresses, like the Golubac Fortress, can be found within Djerdap National Park.

Golubac Fortress[/caption]

Djerdap National Park is historically and environmentally significant due to the traces of pre-historic man left behind in the park as well as the prevalence of uncommon and ancient flora and fauna. One of the most significant archeological sites within the park is Lepenski Vir. Lepenski Vir was the permanent dwelling place for hunters and artistic and religious figures from the time of 7,000–5,000 BC. The oldest form of organized social, economic, and religious life in the Danube River basin has been found here and the discovery of this site significantly influenced the study of European pre-history. Roman emperors also cut roads through the Djerdap canyon during the times of the first and second century AD, which one can still see the remains of today. People can also find medieval fortresses found within the park, such as Golubac Fortress. No one is sure when the fortress was constructed but the first written record of the town encompassed by the fortress is from 1335 AD.

Within Djerdap, you can find plant species dating from the Tertiary Period or two point five eight million years ago. Some ancient species which are prevalent in Djerdap are Turkish Hazel (Corylus colurna), Persian walnut (Juglans regia), Pančić’s field maple (Acer intermedium), as well as several types of beech trees, evergreens, and other brushes. Within the park, you may find animals such as lynx, wild boars, white-tailed eagles, golden eagles, or even vipers. Because the Iron Gates have a sheltered position, more than sixty forest and shrub communities have been able to thrive there.

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The Djerdap Gorge, one of thirty-five identified “Important Bird Areas” in Serbia, is home to Pygmy Cormorants among other bird species.

Pygmy Cormorants[/caption]

If you decide to visit Djerdap National Park, you can participate in a wide variety of outdoor activities. Djerdap has nine hiking trails of varying length. The trails in Djerdap range from easy to medium difficulty and range from two to twenty kilometers in length. The Djerdap Gorge is also one of thirty-five identified “Important Bird Areas” in Serbia, which means that Djerdap is a great location for birdwatching. 130 out of 170 of the identified bird species are nesting birds and three of those species are of international importance: the pygmy cormorant, spotted eagle, and booted eagle. Cyclotourism is also a popular activity within Djerdap National Park as 100 km of the EuroVelo six cycling trail runs through the park. This trail links the Atlantic Ocean with the Black Sea and the Djerdap section is one of the most popular routes.

Clearly there is much to do in Djerdap National Park. Not only is Djerdap environmentally and historically important because of its ancient history, it is also simply a beautiful location where one can enjoy nature at its finest.



Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter

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