Medicine for Memories

Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2016

Why do people become “obsessed” with some books, or movies, or songs? What compels a person to re-watch, re-read, and listen on repeat?

Tail-end Millennials such as myself seem to have an “obsession” with Disney movies (to name just one obsession, see any “’90s kid” article for some more). But it’s not so strange if you think about why. Nostalgia comes in many forms. The strongest of all, in my opinion, are books, movies, and songs.

When you listen to a song that brings you back to your past, what is it that’s going through your head? The memory of hearing the song when you were awkwardly dancing at a middle school dance?

When you watch an old movie, are you simply being entertained, or do the images bring you back to the night you got engaged, thinking you were having your regular dinner-and-a-movie night?

Sure, you may love the movie for the two-hour escape that it is. But quite often, our favorite movies, songs, and books are our “favorite” because of the memories they help bring to our mind, even if only subconsciously.

You’re not just remembering a character singing a song, you’re remembering that time you were listening to the soundtrack in your dad’s car on the way to school. You’re remembering the way your older sister comforted you when you were in the middle of your first scary book (mine was Cujo), and it made you feel just a little braver.

When you re-watch beloved movies, listen to your favorite songs, or flip open (again) a favorite novel, you’re remembering the moments that matter. And that is why people re-watch, re-listen, and re-read.

You’re remembering a good relationship that maybe didn’t work out. You’re remembering a family that no longer exists because of divorce. You’re remembering a time in your life that made you happy. Movies, songs, and books are a medicine. Embrace your “obsession,” it’s not substance abuse to remember.



Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter

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