Photo Book Publishing Service Over SMS

Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2015

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photo book and phone with photomagic app

photo book and phone[/caption]

The conveniences and amenities that technology has provided us with over the past decades are unquestionable. Despite the fact that it can sometimes be frustrating to the point when you wish no phones existed and letters were a better way of communication, it is undeniable that its services to mankind are here to stay and develop. The faster we wrap our heads around the idea of an ever-developing technology, the more convenient it’ll be as we use technological advancements.

And speaking of technological advancements, what is the latest trend in the world of publishing, which has become a field intrinsically connected to technology? That would be Photo Magic, a product created by the photo book publishing company SimplePrints, which offers a number of apps that allow users to create their own photo books on their smartphones. With this breakthrough, they have taken their product a step further and made the creation of a photo book an easier and more approachable task.

For this reason, they have utilized the services of one of the phone’s first abilities: the SMS. The process of creating a photo book through Photo Magic starts with the customer sending an SMS to the company, SimplePrints. Within a couple of minutes, a professional notifies the sender that they have received their request and provides him or her with a link that enables the customer to securely upload his or her selected photos. Within fifteen minutes the SimplePrints professional replies to the customer with a proof for his or her book. When the final product is ready to print, SimplePrints professionals send an SMS to the customer (usually within thirty minutes from the time of upload via the secure link) with a link what the final product looks like in print. If the sender likes what he or she sees, they can send SimplePrints a final confirmation. After payment has taken place via credit card, the customer receives the final product within four to seven days from one of SimplePrints’ locations in California or New Jersey.

The reason why this idea is more appealing to customers is because conversation through SMS creates a friendly atmosphere, since there is interaction taking place, and the company appears more approachable to the customer. Moreover, all the client has to do is send their photos and everything else will be taken care of by the professionals at SimplePrints. This process is the biggest asset of this company, because a stand-alone app simply provides the framework within which the user has to do all the work.

According to Matt Sullivan, CEO of SimplePrints, this idea stemmed from the need to provide the customer with less work toward a final product and more approachability and interaction. “With SimplePrints we’ve tried to make the photo book creation process super simple and streamlined, but we still see a high percentage of users getting through the install, sign-up, and even adding a bunch of photos, only to stop there,” Sullivan explains. “When we ask them what happened, the answer is usually that they ran out of time or it was ‘too much work’ to layout the photos,” he says.

As Sullivan reports, in terms of profit, the company has made $4 to $5 million in revenues and attracts customers who are willing to pay $40 for a photo book. The prices for this product are $14.99 for a twenty-page soft cover book and $29.99 for the same number of pictures in hard cover. Each additional page costs 50 cents.

Interested customers can try Photo Magic by texting “HELLO” to (415) 726–2982.

To watch a video on how Photo Magic works click on the link below:




Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter

New York and Tulsa based publishing, branding, thought leadership agency. #IssuesThatMatter #BrandsThatMatter #BooksThatMatter