Serbian Artist: Endre Penovác

Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2015

Art has always been used as a way to express oneself and tell stories. Whether it is in the form of sculpture, paint, drawing, or performance, art has a way of communicating beyond barriers. Different cultures and languages have no effect on inhibiting the brushstroke. Art has the ability to work beyond its physical state on paper. This medium can evoke deep and powerful emotions. The language of art is a kind of communication that is more ethereal and passionate with each passing moment.

Serbian watercolor artist Endre Penovác speaks such a language with eloquence and skill. His most popular portrayals are that of black cats. Using only a few dilutions of black shades and gradients, he allows the viewer to focus on the beauty of the shape in each subject. Penovác is able to replicate the fine feline contours of the tail, face, ears, and hypnotizing eyes, which celebrates the natural form of these creatures beautifully. Within the world of painting, watercolor is considered to be a very difficult medium to work with. Since watercolor is known for being challenging and unforgiving, to succeed with such organic flow and boundless strokes as Endre Penovác is quite the feat.

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By Endre Penovác

By Endre Penovác[/caption]

Born in Tornjoš, a small village in Northern Serbia, Penovác traveled to Novi Sad, Serbia to study the fine arts. Since his mid-twenties, Penovác’s success has only grown. In addition to Serbia, Penovác has exhibits beyond various boarders and languages including Germany, France, Bosnia, Croatia, and more. He has been the recipient of many awards, including having fifty of his works qualify for the International Watercolor Catalogue of International Watercolor Society, or the IWS. His works are featured on various websites and can range anywhere from $550 to $2,200. That being said, his pieces are selling like Cézanne hotcakes, and they are most certainly worth it.

Watercolor differs greatly from other painting mediums, like acrylic and oil painting. This is mostly because watercolor paints spread when placed on the paper to give a flowing, serene effect. This does, however, make creating a cohesive image difficult. The absorbency of the paper, the fluidity of the paint, the stroke of the artist, and many other factors affect how the image will behave and develop. There is such beauty to this process both realistically and metaphorically. Try as hard as one might to plan an outcome, the result is ever changing, and it creates a truly original and unique solution. Paintings done by Penovác beg the viewer to see the poetry in the line, the care in each placement, and the skill in each stroke. Penovác’s art shows the relationship between art and life. They reflect one another and suggest that the unpredictability of the artistic process and the uncertainty of life is truly symbiotic.

Penovác’s paintings can be found on the following websites:



Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter

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