Writer Wednesday: Diana Donald

Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2015

Diana Donald believes our childhood wields a powerful influence on our adult lives. She also understands the importance inspiring books play in a child’s life and the necessity of strong role models. As a psychotherapist, mother, and grandmother, Diana aims to be the best author and role model she can. Her decision to combine these two goals resulted in the publication of The Blue, Blue Sky. This book is a collection of children’s stories designed to give “meaning to our lives on the inside… where the center of our world resides.” Although these stories are geared towards a younger audience, the profound content resonates with an older age group as well.

Diana Donald, author

Unlike most authors, Diana’s writing journey began when she decided to pursue a college degree in her mid-fifties. Diana Donald wanted to show her grand children and children that you should never quit, even when you encounter obstacles. In spite of the struggles she faced balancing family life and coursework, she successfully obtained her degree. Diana’s extensive knowledge of psychotherapy and social work continue to greatly influence her writing.

Through her book The Blue, Blue Sky, Diana hopes that we will “truly understand how singular we really are [in] the gift of this life we’ve been given. It’s all so simple. I’m hoping that my children, my grandchildren, and all children will pass that on to adults everywhere.” These inspiring words and approach to life shine through her stories. They teach valuable lessons about enjoying the simple life in a highly materialistic world.



Blooming Twig
Issues That Matter

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