Haftalık PHP Bülteni #1

Emir Karşıyakalı
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2017

Önümüzdeki haftalarda bültende yer almasını istediğiniz yazıları bize mail@istanbulphp.org adresinden gönderebilirsiniz.

PHPKonf’a katıldıysanız buradan birkaç dakikanızı ayırıp sunumları yorumlayabilir ve oy verir misiniz?

Bu hafta Türkçe neler yazıldı?

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PHP ve Visual Debt: Görüntü Kirliliği — Emir Karşıyakalıemirkarsiyakali.com

Jeffrey Way, geçtiğimiz haftalarda Laracasts’de, PHP Bits adında yeni bir mikro-seriye başlamış. Serinin ilk video’su da, PHP topluluğunda görüş liderlerinin iki gündür üzerinde tartıştığı Visual Debt = Görüntü Kirliliği.

Clean Code’dan Notlar: Bölüm 5 — Formatlama — Türkçe Yayın — Mediummedium.com
Kodunuzun düzgün formatta (biçimde) olmasına dikkat etmelisiniz. Kodunuzun formatını belirleyen bir takım kurallar benimsemeli ve o kurallara her zaman uymalısınız. Eğer bir takımda çalışıyorsanız…

Laravel Nasıl Yapıyor? Facades. | Vserifsaglam


Laravel içinde sıkça kullanılan özelliklerden biridir Facades.Dinamik methodları statik olarak kullanmamıza el veren bu sistem, laravel.com dökümantasyonunda sürekli kullanılır.


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PHPKonf 2017 | Flickrwww.flickr.com

PHPKonf İstanbul PHP Konferansı 2017'den Fotoğraflar

GitHub — IstanbulPHP/industrygithub.com

Türkiye’de hangi şirketler PHP kullanarak geliştirme yapıyor? (Siz de kendi şirketinizi ve/veya PHP ile çalışan şirketleri ekleyip katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.)


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Symfony 3.3.0 curated new features (Symfony Blog)symfony.com

Symfony 3.3.0 has just been released. As for any other Symfony minor release, our backward compatibility promise applies and this means that you should be able to upgrade easily without changing anything in your code.

Eliminating Visual Debt

Visual debt clutters the screen, increases code to be read and understood, makes us less productive and makes us focus on things that don’t matter

Driving Design with PhpSpec — Sessions by Pusherpusher.com
Is a SpecBDD tool the same as a TDD tool, or something quite different? This talk will answer these questions, and show how PhpSpec can be integrated into your development workflow to drive quality in your Object Oriented design.

Custom Validation Rules In Laravel 5.5 — Taylor Otwell — Mediummedium.com
Recently, Adam Wathan showed me a fresh approach to writing custom validation rules that he was implementing in his own projects. So, Adam and I decided to pair program the feature into Laravel one…

“Action Injection” As A Code Smell | Paul M. Jonespaul-m-jones.com
Circumstance has conspired to put Action Injection discussions in front of me multiple times in the past few days. Having seen the approach several times before, I have come to think that if Action Injection is the answer, you might be asking the wrong question. I find it to be a code smell, one that indicates the system needs refactoring or reorganizing.

How to Scan Fingerprints with Async PHP and React Native — SitePointwww.sitepoint.com
In this comprehensive and advanced tutorial, Chris shows us how to scan fingerprints with Async PHP and React Native. The future is here!

Predictability sigmod2017

MySQL 8.0: Retiring Support for the Query Cache | MySQL Server Blogmysqlserverteam.com
Although MySQL Query Cache was meant to improve performance, it has serious scalability issues and it can easily become a severe bottleneck.


What Is WP-CLI? A Beginner’s Guidecode.tutsplus.com
WP-CLI has been around for quite some time now (circa 2011) and has steadily gained momentum in the WordPress developer community. But what is it exactly, and how can you use it in your WordPress…

When to use Factory instead of direct object constructionseregazhuk.github.io

It is often considered a good practice to move the process of object creation from the consumer’s code into the factory. Even more, some people say that you should avoid the use of new keyword in your code as much as possible. As for me…

Why type hints and interfaces are not visual debt


After asking references about this, someone alluded to this very short video: “PHP Bits: Visual Debt” (it’s only 3 minutes, please watch it before continue reading). After that, the author of the video was dragged into the conversation, and it blew up into a big tweetstorm in the following few hours.

Symfony 4: End of HHVM support (Symfony Blog)symfony.com

Given the low adoption, compatibility issues, insignificant performance differences, we had no choices but to officially drop support for Symfony 4.

thePHP.cc — Testing Keeps Me From Getting Things Donethephp.cc
Writing unit tests takes time. Is it really worth the effort?


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ZendCon 2017 — Accelerate PHP & Open Sourcewww.zendcon.com
Accelerate great PHP, 23–26 October 2017 at the Hard Rock Cafe and Casino Las Vegas

PHPAppSec — Day Camp 4 DevelopersPHPAppSec — Day Camp 4 Developersdaycamp4developers.com
Application security is on everybody’s mind these days. Every day we hear of another site hacked or another data breach. Does your team do everything it can to keep your site secure and your data safe?

İş İlanları:

Enuygun.com PHP Developer/Senior PHP Developer
PHP Developer — Medianova A.Ş.
PHP Developer — Modanisa



Emir Karşıyakalı

Founder of @Kommunitycom / @itsmoneo / @Kodilancom . Entrepreneur. Software Architect & DevOps enthusiast. PHP Evangelist. @istanbulphp & #PHPKonf Organizer.