ISU Sunday Sales

Mary Thompson
4 min readMay 9, 2018


Driving into the already filled parking lot of the liquor store, people were already lined up on the side of the building waiting for the two double doors to open. 11:58, 11:59, noon. It was finally time for the first time in decades that the double doors would open for Indiana liquor stores on Sunday, March 4.

This is a law that has been bouncing back and forth with the government. This new law allows Hoosiers to purchase alcohol between the hours of noon and eight. Sunday alcohol sales have been advertised on social media cites, news sources, and word-of-mouth.

“This outcome is better than we have expected. Some of the customers admit to coming in and shopping just for the atmosphere. It was crazy to look out the door before we opened to see a line of people waiting to get in. We have only been open for an hour and have already hit $308 in sales.” liquor store associate Spencer Bussy said.

The traffic going in and coming out of the store was non stop. It was customer after customer, sale after sale. It was astonishing to see that none of the employees sat down, or were on their phones. They were constantly walking around the store and engaging with customers.

“Growing up in Illinois as a kid, it didn’t really phase me that adults were able to buy alcohol on Sundays. We were always big in the church community, which for me meant that it is God’s day, you celebrate god and call it a day. But moving to Indiana recently after turning 22, I drifted away from church but still thought that its god’s day, so personally I feel like it’s a good thing because there is always room for a change, but then again, I feel like the accident rate will increase” Education major Shyla Smith said.

As the day went on, the customers continued to flow in the door in packs or one by one. This is a moment in history for Hoosiers as they are able to purchase on Sundays. This law has been approved, denied, and approved again. There were many debates on putting this law into effect. Sport Management major Chris Madden had an opinion to say about this law.

“I believe that alcohol sales six days a week gives people of Indiana more than enough time to purchase their alcohol and by giving them an extra day, I believe Indiana is promoting alcoholism or alcohol addiction. I just don’t believe alcohol sales seven days a week is necessary. You hear so many stories about drunk driving accidents happening, and with this law being passed, it just gives them one extra day to cause an accident,” Madden said.

“This gives alcoholics an extra day to ruin their body over alcohol that they don’t need. This also ties into drunk driving. If an alcoholic has one extra day to purchase alcohol, they could be the reason behind drunk driving accidents, Madden said.

Growing from a negative note, there were more residents who voiced their opinion in a more positive manner. Terre Haute resident, Josh Tucker, was more than excited to be able to purchase alcohol on Sundays.

“I am glad that they are catching up with the other states because it was inconvenient for the holidays and major events like the Fourth of July and Indy 500 which ended up both of them being on Sundays and not having access to alcohol,” Tucker said.

“I partially bought it because of the law being lifted but it was actually convenient because I bought alcohol for spring break. And it was 25% off any Indiana made alcohol so it was a great steel,” Tucker said.

In the past, Tucker would find himself traveling to the neighboring state, Illinois, to purchase alcohol on Sundays because that law was not in effect for them. He would mainly make a trip over to Illinois to purchase alcohol for events that would take place on a Monday that he would want to provide alcohol for.

Most participating stores in the local area were offering special discounts and sales on certain alcohol types to help celebrate the excitement of the law being lifted.

Biology major Caitlyn Redmond said,

“Honestly, I don’t really need any alcohol at the moment, nor do I have any desire or reason to drink today. But today is the first day in history that I am able to purchase alcohol, so that is why I’m here! I want to be apart of this moment and partake in purchasing on the first Sunday sale day! Plus, the fact that they are offering discounts is pretty nice,” Redmon said.


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