It Annoys Me — COVID-19 and Careless Boomers

It’s NOT okay, boomers

Tommy Ueland
It Annoys Me


Photo by Giacomo Lucarini on Unsplash

Heads up: This publication is normally my go-to-fun-place where I attack mundane annoyances with humor and satire. There is nothing mundane about this post, or funny. You are hereby warned.

What’s a Boomer?

My parent’s generation. People born after the second world war, from the middle of the ’40s to the middle of the ’60s. It’s my kid’s grandparents, and my grandparent’s kid’s. They are either retired or closing in on it. Their kids have moved out, mortgages paid down, and bank accounts overflowing with cash. And they don’t give a damn.

I am generalizing. I know. Many, in fact, most of them take this seriously. Take their part of the collective responsibility. If you are one of them, this is not for you, it’s for the others; the ones that laugh at COVID-19 and think they know better than everyone else.

These people are arrogant overgrown kids that didn’t handle growing up in the golden era. They are used to getting whatever they want, and they don’t give a sh*t about anything, other than themselves.

The different types of boomers that annoys me

Cafe Boomers



Tommy Ueland
It Annoys Me

Father, writer, aspiring blogger, connoisseur of everyday joy and professional procrastinator.