It Annoys Me — Happy Endings

No, not the movie ones, the other one. Yes…that one

Tommy Ueland
It Annoys Me


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I love massage. I love a specific type of massage – Thai massage.

I have had some great massage experiences and some very bad ones. And for the very bad ones, in every case, without exception, it was an upper-thigh focused massage with an offer for something extra at the end. And every time I left feeling disgusted, mad, and in more pain than when I entered.

Sadly, I have been offered happy-endings on several occasions. I say sadly because that’s not why I go there. I’m there to loosen up, not stiffen up. If you go there for that kind of service, that’s your choice. An illegal one in Norway, but I am not judging you(or am I?).

A trip down high crouch lane

Unloosen your pants and enjoy this reenactment of a self-experienced massage, one that I knew from the get-go was going to end up with an offer for a happy ending.

The outside of the building was neutral, except the handwritten signpost standing on the sidewalk, and the flashing neon OPEN sign in the window lighting up the thick curtains that made sure no one could look inside. This should be an obvious sign to turn around you may think, but many massage parlors have this setup, even the good ones.



Tommy Ueland
It Annoys Me

Father, writer, aspiring blogger, connoisseur of everyday joy and professional procrastinator.