Experience with SRM Hackathon 4.0

SRM University Kattankulathur, Chennai, India

Unknown User
IT Association
6 min readJul 4, 2020


When I was writing the abstract for online shortlisting round, there were more than 2000 registration for this event. I had read some articles saying that SRM Hackathon is one of the Top 10 Hackathon in the country (in Quora I guess) so I thought it’s never gonna happen. We were 4 member in our team, 3 of my team mates registered for some paid work shop in our college as well. When the organizing team mailed us that our idea is shortlisted I was really surprised. But my team mates were not able to join me so the probability of failure was really high. But still I thought I should attend the competition because there was a special prize named Lone Wolf which is awarded to a solo programmer during the event.

So I went to the event, there were photos of previous year winner and some small description of their project. Then the event began with introductory speech about the chief guest I think he was someone at Higher position in the same institution like Principal/Director. Jury’s was not present there during that time. They came after some time and small introduction was given, they also gave some suggestions and expectations. After 6 hours I guess the Mentors finally reached, I got shortlisted in “Defense Theme” so I got a 12 years experienced person in the same field. I just said to him that there are a lot of flaw/loop holes in my idea. So I took some times on how I can improve it. After around 10 hours my mentor returned back to me, I told him the improvised idea and he was ok with it. So I started to implementation. Even at this point I didn’t know how to use version control like Git software. Some of the members of the IT Association helped me to do that. I barely slept during that night and finally at end of 30 hours; second main jury entered and final round started.
I started with English, explaining my project to the second jury and other mentors of the other themes, but when they asked questions, without my knowledge I started to speak in Tamil. I completed my explanation but they did not say anything and moved to see the next team’s project. After 2 hours they announced the final top 10 Ideas. People who did not get shortlisted may leave. I almost packed up everything but fortunately my idea got shortlisted.
The top 10 shortlisted teams were asked to give a Power Pitch on the stage. I had never spoken in English on stage before when they asked me to present I was lost. I convinced the IT Association team to put my name at 10th place so that I can prepare something within that time and the Power Pitch I gave was a total mess. When I started my presentation my laptop VGA port did not get connected with the VGA cable. The presentation was only for 5 minutes and I wasted almost 3 minutes there. Since I was the last presenter the jury allowed me to present with my laptop itself. Every one gave a stunning presentation at the stage except me.

Then the jury went to discuss between them. The prize distribution started after 30 minutes. All the top 10 teams were awarded with special certification instead of participation certificate. They started to announce the special prizes at first, like People’s Favorite, good UI…. and when they announced the winner for “Lone Wolf” I thought that I would get it but there was a good programmer in other theme who got it. I was a little bit sad because that’s the only hope I had, the only thing I came for.

Then comes the Top 3 prize winners, in the Top 10 teams all were students form tire 1 institution like NIT, VIT, SRM university other than me. They announced the 3rd prize, 2nd prize and I got tired and almost slept. Then they announced the overall winner after 10 count down “the winner is Team DRAGON BOOSTER” I started to clap for the winner without even realizing that its my team name. It took me some second to realize that.

They asked me to share my experience on the stage after that, I asked the Jury why me? They said that the only point is for the Idea and my progress toward it, not the way I present or where I came form. I was really Happy to hear that. The credit goes to the IT Association who brought such a good mentor and Jury for the event.

The main fun happened after the competition was over. I have literally no experience in travelling alone. I do not own a Smart phone, so I usually draw the root map on paper. I thought I would get eliminated in 1st round around 6 PM in the evening so that I can return back to my college hostel which is in another district. It takes 3 hours to reach form SRM University to our college hostel, its already night 12:30 AM I only had Rs.90 in my pocket which was enough to go via train and bus but in mid night what could I do? Some members of the IT Association (I am lucky that there was a Tamil speaking guy there) requested Hostel of University to provide one night stay for me but how could the hostel allow a stranger form other college to stay in hostel without any prior information right.
One of the IT Association member said that he will book an OLA cab for me and said that its just 960 rupees only without knowing my reality. I told them that I did not have enough money to pay them ( felt embarrassed because I had a 75 thousand winning check in my hand but it felt useless during that time). Then finally the students in IT association put their own money to send me back safely to my college, they track my location via app every 10 minutes, they were messaging / calling me to make sure I am safe and finally I reached our college hostel around 2 AM. What I meant to say is that not only during the event even after the event was over they were supportive to us.

I made a lot of good memories in this event which is not possible without you guys, I am great full to the entire IT Association. Hope you guys continue the same in future as well. Lot of Love to IT Association and SRM Hackathon !!!!!!
By the way thanks for shortlisting my Idea from the beginning till the end!



Unknown User
IT Association

A Person who wakes up every morning with the determination that something is wonderful is about to happen today.