Let’s Learn Blazor: Blazor Server with SignalR

Let’s take a look at the easiest Blazor implementation for devs familiar with ASP.NET

Christopher Laine
IT Dead Inside
Published in
10 min readFeb 5, 2022


This is one of several articles on Blazor I’ll be writing, all so engineers can get familiar with the capabilities and tricks of this burgeoning and exciting web technology

I’ve added a repo in GitHub with all the code from this article, so you can pull this down and try all the things I’m about to show you.

So in our previous sessions, we saw how easy it was to:

  • build, package and deploy a Blazor WebAssembly application and have this run directly in our browser [[read more >>]]
  • Create cross-language communication between C# and Javascript using the JScript Interop tooling [[read more >>]]

This is great stuff if you’re creating a brand new application, but as fancy and awesome as that stuff is, for a lot of professional devs, this is all just nice to have.

