Let’s Learn Blazor: BlazorContextMenu

Add Context Menus to your Blazor App with just a few lines of code

Christopher Laine
IT Dead Inside
Published in
6 min readJul 18, 2022


Flashy context menus!

This is one of several articles on Blazor I’ll be writing, all so engineers can get familiar with the capabilities and tricks of this burgeoning and exciting web technology

I’ve added a repo in GitHub with all the code from this article, so you can pull this down and try all the things I’m about to show you.

It’s not easy building an app. I’m not saying building anything is easy, but when it comes to building an app, there are so many little complications, especially down in the weeds.

Take, for instance, a Blazor app. While Microsoft has done a fine job creating a holistic framework for building web-enabled applications, the actual building blocks they offer up are — shall we say — tepid?

Have a look at the measly stock standard components Microsoft offer up to construct your app.

