Ubiquitous Language in your software domain

Defining your software domain’s language makes everything easier

Christopher Laine
IT Dead Inside
Published in
6 min readJun 12, 2019


(First off, I’d like to thank Rafał Lewandowski for his recent post on SwingDev, which inspired me to talk about Ubiquitous Language)

Jobs, and Items, and Actions, Oh My!

I spent some time the other day trawling through documentation on a platform I help support. I bumped into this idea of a “Job”. A Job in this software represents work which someone needs to move to completion. The Job has associated with it the items and actions which need to be completed for the Job to be considered “Done”. The items need to be ordered or removed, and the actions need to be in specific states for the Job to be “Done”.

The Job arrives in our system via an external source, and the user begins interacting with the Job, ordering items and completing actions. Good so far?

Yeah, I thought so too. I have seen the users of this platform, and seen what they do. This is how these terms came about.

