Conflicts Over Resources

Miguel Justo
IT Project Management
2 min readOct 14, 2020

Recently, I have been reading about the VSM model integration with the organization strategies and something called to my attention, it was the management of resources and the conflicts triggered for a poor management of them.

When we speak about resources, they can be human resources, material resources, etc. Practically any element needed to complete a project. Usually in the IT environment, the skilled employees with years of experience are scarce or highly specialized on their fields, that is why is pretty common to see companies fighting for those resources on the market or stealing them from other companies. Even though, that behavior can be seen within the teams of the same company when the project managers want to balance their teams with the features they need.

The situations to picture this problem can be many, but lets speak about the possible solutions:

Training and development: The constant evolution in the professional career for our collaborators should be our first priority, if we want to continue attracting and keeping the best talent. Also, it will help us to develop new leaders on their technologies combine with the know-how of our company.

Clear defined team directives: It might seem simple, but sometimes the project managers have not idea about the resources they are going to need, not doubt we should improve our planning phase to know and avoid making changes during running time.

The material resources need to be handled with other solutions on mind that I will approach in another article, but I would like to highlight the importance to know the right resource management before start a new project.

