Developing A Prioritization Criteria

Miguel Justo
IT Project Management
2 min readSep 28, 2020

How and when we should take a different path in order to continuously delivering value as project will mark the organization of our schedules. During the planning strategy, we will have goals for our project elements and the prioritization of those goals will need to be done by the stakeholders, even while the project is running. But, what will have more priority? the crucial or the critical?.

The programs will have many projects running paralleling with dependencies between them, let’s suppose, there is a team “A” working on the feature “1" for the product and the team “B” needs that feature ready to continue working. Clearly a bad prioritization can lead to such situation, maybe, various components with high priority were finished by the team “A” before the feature “1”. However, at this point, we should be able to keep both teams working without stoppers. Prioritization criteria is a strategy, so as strategy it needs to reach a goal, in this case, keep the teams working.

Every team has a goal and as program they share a global goal, we should evaluate the priority of the tasks attended by the teams to get the closest one to the global goal, if the team “B” has tasks closest to the global goal stopped, then the team “A” should impulse the finalization of the feature “1” as soon as possible. Otherwise, the team “B” should keep their tasks on hold and continue with other tasks until the team “A” release the feature “1”.

How important is this strategy?, well, as a team, we are not able to attend everything at the same time and we have limited budget, so for time and budget, this criteria should be clear for each team member. The methodology used to create the strategy will depend on the factors to determine the outcomes of the project, for instance, the priorities on the car industry are completely different with the entertainment industry. Also, the planning of our components will define the priority/order to attend them, that is why a right planning considering the details will into account.

