Less is sometimes more — set your team size properly

Jozsef Czapovics
ITpros Who Care
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2015


Based on the feedback from Project Owners we learnt something important after our launch: less is sometimes more.

When we launched our platform we set the max team size to 4 Volunteers to every project (10 with featured projects). We have made some user interviews with our project owners lately and we learnt that not every Nonprofit organization can handle the management of 4 Volunteers, also, now that we have a better view on the project scopes, not each project requires 4 Volunteers to get it done.

So we have made a few changes that we released today on our platform:

Only the Project Owners can change it
  • Project Owners can set up their project’s team size on the project admin page (by default, it’s 2 Volunteers)
  • Volunteers are still able to join projects even if it’s full — they will land on the waitlist
  • If a project reaches its size limit, the project Owner can not accept new Volunteers from the waitlist, however, the Project Owner is able to increase the team size on the project admin page if that’s necessary
  • The default team size is 2 Volunteers, the limit is 4 Volunteers and 10 for featured projects
  • We show this information on the project cards, too
  • You can notice another new thing and you are right — we show the missing skills on the project cards too, so you can have a better experience discovering the projects on the Discover page
  • ..and if you really pay attention to this card, you can see that we use our own platform internally at hashtagcharity to build the platform itself! ☺



Jozsef Czapovics
ITpros Who Care

Director of Engineering @prezi | Founder of @hashtagcharity