Unmasking the Undead: Understanding and Eliminating Zombie Processes in Linux

IT Security In Plain English
3 min readJun 18, 2024
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Zombie processes are a common occurrence in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. Despite their spooky name, zombie processes are not harmful in small numbers but can cause system performance issues if left unmanaged. This article will explain what zombie processes are, how they are created, and how to eliminate them using various commands, scripts, and examples.

What is a Zombie Process?

A zombie process, also known as a defunct process, is a process that has completed execution but still has an entry in the process table. This occurs because the parent process has not yet read the exit status of the terminated process. As a result, the process is in a “zombie” state.

How are Zombie Processes Created?

When a process terminates, it sends a SIGCHLD signal to its parent process. The parent process is supposed to read the exit status of the child process using the wait() or waitpid() system calls. If the parent process fails to do so, the terminated process remains in the process table as a zombie.

Identifying Zombie Processes

To identify zombie processes, you can use commands like ps, top, and htop.

Using ps

ps aux | grep Z

In the output, the presence of a “Z” in the STAT column indicates a zombie process.

Using top

In the top command, zombie processes are shown with a status of Z.


Press Shift + z to highlight zombie processes in the top interface.

Using htop

In htop, zombie processes are also indicated with a Z in the state column.


Examples and Scenarios

Example 1: Creating a Zombie Process

Let’s create a simple scenario to understand how zombie processes are formed. Consider the following C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid > 0) {
// Parent process
sleep(30); // Give time to observe the zombie
} else if (pid == 0) {
// Child process
exit(0); // Child process exits immediately
} else {
return 0;
Compile and run this program:
gcc -o zombie_example zombie_example.c

While the parent process is sleeping, use ps or top to observe the zombie process.

Example 2: Eliminating Zombie Processes

To eliminate zombie processes, you need to ensure the parent process reads the exit status of its child processes. This can be done by modifying the parent process to handle the SIGCHLD signal or by using wait().

Here’s an example of modifying the previous program to handle the SIGCHLD signal:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

void handle_sigchld(int sig) {
(void)sig; // Suppress unused parameter warning
while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) {
// Reap all terminated child processes
int main() {
signal(SIGCHLD, handle_sigchld);
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid > 0) {
// Parent process
} else if (pid == 0) {
// Child process
} else {
return 0;

Recompile and run the modified program to see that the zombie process is now reaped properly.

Scripts to Manage Zombie Processes

In real-world scenarios, you might encounter zombie processes created by various applications. Here are some scripts to help manage and eliminate zombie processes.

Script 1: Monitoring and Reporting Zombie Processes

Create a script to monitor and report zombie processes:


while true; do
ZOMBIES=$(ps aux | awk '{if ($8 == "Z") print $2}')
if [ -n "$ZOMBIES" ]; then
echo "Zombie processes detected: $ZOMBIES"
sleep 5

Save this script as monitor_zombies.sh, make it executable, and run it:

chmod +x monitor_zombies.sh

Script 2: Killing Parent Processes of Zombies

If you need to eliminate zombie processes quickly, you can kill their parent processes. Use this script with caution, as it will terminate the parent processes:

ZOMBIE_PARENTS=$(ps -eo ppid,stat | awk '$2 ~ /Z/ {print $1}' | sort -u)
for ppid in $ZOMBIE_PARENTS; do
echo "Killing parent process $ppid of zombie processes"
kill -9 $ppid

Save this script as kill_zombie_parents.sh, make it executable, and run it:

chmod +x kill_zombie_parents.sh

Zombie processes, though not immediately harmful, can lead to resource leaks and system instability if left unchecked. Understanding how they are created and how to identify and eliminate them is crucial for maintaining a healthy Linux system. By using the provided commands, examples, and scripts, you can effectively manage zombie processes and ensure your system runs smoothly.



IT Security In Plain English

Unapologetically Nerdy. Hacking the matrix with a cup of Darjeeling tea in hand .