A 360 by 360

Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2016

The Australian hip hop artist, known as 360, has gone through some struggles in his life. Like many who have been effected similarly, 360 was very secretive about his affliction. However, he has come out with a new song, that will be a part of his newest mixtape.

His song “I’m Sorry” is an apology to his friends, family and his fans. It is also a reflection. He tells a story about how he was addicted to codine. He then goes on to talk about how he overdosed while on tour and ended up convulsing on the floor only for his manager to find him. This ultimately led to a hospitalization and him being on suicide watch for 30 days. Since that time has been sober for a year and seems committed to making a better life for himself. Addiction is very difficult to beat, in addition, suicidal ideations and attempts are quite a difficult task to move past as well.

I also want to commend 360 for being courageous enough to make this part of his life public. There is so much negative stigma attached to addiction and mental illness, wether it is something that someone is currently going through or if it is 5 years ago. There are people in this world that are ignorant enough to think they can catch it. Let me say that ALL mental illnesses, while serious, are non communicable. Nobody has to worry about catching it. It blows my mind that people like that exist, but I hope that some of these people just don’t understand and they are not actually hateful.

Please note this is not something that effects only musicians or artists in general. I only talk about music artists because of the nature of the blog. Howvere, mental health issues effect all types of people in all walks of life. About 1 in 4 people will be effected by mental illness at some point in their lives. Some of this may be acute(meaning it goes away eventually) and some people may be very secretive, so you will never know, but it is there. If any of these symptoms effect you please reach out for help. Isolation is not helpful. No matter what people may be telling you. It is a real illness just like cancer, HIV, diabetes or heart disease. You are not disturbed, a burden, or selfish.

360 posted the numbers for the Australian addiction and suicide hotlines. If you are having problems with addiction in the U.S. call 888–327–5040. If you are having suicidal thoughts please call this number for help 1 (800) 273–8255. This is also the U.S. phone number.

Check out 360’s song “I’m Sorry” and a few of his Facebook comments below.

Again I commend 360 for being so open about this. It is brave because especially in today’s society you might have a great reaction, which it seems he got. However, sometimes these things backfire terribly.

Add 360’s music to a Soundsgood playlist. Also follow us on Instagram!

