Concert Review: Autograf in NYC

Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2016

On Friday, January 15th, 2016, Autograf was the headliner at Webster Hall in NYC. The Chicago based trio put on an amazing show. They were joined by Lemaitre, Prince Fox and Stelouse. I got the chance to meet Jake from the group after they performed. Looking back at it now. I was incredibly dumb. I should have had my fan/blogger hat on and gotten a picture with him. However, I was so amped that I met him because he was playing the malletKAT. In case you dont know, a malletKAT is an electronic marimba. In high school, I was the only percussionist that my band director trusted to play this instrument. I loved playing it and I don’t even think my 15 year old brain really understood how serious the instrument I had in front of me was. When I saw Jake playing that on stage I was amped. Then I was even more excited I got to meet him and nerd out about music for a little while. So sorry guys. Here are a few highlights from the show:

Metaphysical is their newest song and I’m currently pretty obsessed with it. Janelle Kroll came out and sang with Autograf as a total surprise and it added so much to the show.

I wrote a blog about Autograf’s remix of the Temptations hit “Proud” last week. Their live version was no disappointment.

One of my favorite songs in general. All We Need was definitely a highlight of the night.

So make sure to check out more of Autograf’s music here. Add a few of their songs to your favorite Soundsgood playlists. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram. Always make sure you #LeaveYourAutograf.

