Use music to help others

Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2016

Music is powerful. Anyone that thinks differently is wrong or just hasn’t been exposed to the right songs and artists yet. I have seen people break down in tears and be motivated to do things they previously felt impossible based on just a song. Songs can tell stories and paint vivid pictures. On a simpler level music can make you dance. There is a group of people dancing to help a Childrens Hospital in Connecticut.

These people will be taking part in an 18 hour dance marathon (way longer than I could probably stand up). However, for anyone that has ever gone to a club, bar, gym, on a car ride, you know how annoying it is to hear the same song more than once. This is where we come in.

Go to Soundsgood and create a playlist of your favorite dance songs. Then go donate to the cause (any donation helps no matter how small) and comment a link or screenshot to your playlist in the “Message to Mona” section.

Your suggestions will be seen and it will help the people participating get through 18 hours of dancing. Honestly, think about the last time you did ANYTHING for 18 hours straight. The donations will help the kids at the hospital and that is also the most important part.

Also just a note the name “Huskython” has to do with the school hosting the event. The University of Connecticut has a Husky as a mascot for those who do not know. This does not have anything to do with dogs.

Make sure to post your playlist on Instagram and tag the Soundsgood account. I would love to see everyone help this cause.

