9 Steps To Hire The Best It Professionals

IT works
IT Works 365
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2018
9 Steps To Hire The Best It Professionals

Hiring an employee is not as easy as it looks like, you need to be very calm and willing to negotiate wages and benefits

With the labour market increasingly competitive and demanding in qualification, choosing a good professional is not a simple task. In the area of IT, for example, the hiring of professionals is becoming an even more complicated task, the reason behind this is that, I addition to the training that companies need, the professionals hired need to have the abilities to adapt, which is the biggest challenge for them.

The support to BYOD, services in the Cloud, mobile applications and analytics are some of the change that is emerging and is transforming the area, both for professionals and for end users, this change exists and is related to the professional need to adapt to the change that the market demand, and how are the professionals are interacting with each other. The answer is simple: they are adapting.

Most of the time, the adaptation brings good results which can result in an increase in the productivity of the company and the satisfaction of the final customer. However, some disadvantages can be revealed in these cases, among them, to guess what the skills are or attribute that IT workers should have.

For other professionals, the fact of supposing what the skills that the contracted professional will reveal, began to become a challenge. The managers of the HR department of the company should always be attentive to the selection process so that they can choose the profile that best fits the position offered.

Next, we elaborate some items that can help your company of IT consulting Dallas in this hiring process.

1- Everything In Its Time

Hiring a new employee is not easy, that applies to any charge, even more in the current days when unemployment is large. And to work with IT, a lot of technical and practical knowledge is necessary. To hire good professionals, it is necessary that the person in charge of the process have time. Exactly: time, because it is the fundamental thing of the process, because in addition to a lot of calm and willingness to negotiate salaries and benefits, remember that other companies are also looking for employees. At that time, everything you offer should be more attractive.

2- Plan The Hiring

It is important that the company has the hiring very well planned. Therefore, the sector that needs a new employee must pass to the Human Resources (HR) sector of the company all the requirements so that the outline of the position is made and that the position is announced. In addition to this outline of the position, it is essential that all benefits correspond to the position announced.

3- Make Use Of Your Network Of Contacts

Receiving resumes indicated can be a good alternative. The good old network of contacts is still better than the oldest way to find talents. It costs nothing to ask friends and acquaintances to recommend a professional. IT professionals still have advantages when making contact, because they are very active and participate in many communities on the internet, events and technology meetings. In addition to always being in contact with other professionals in search of growth and new challenges in the race. Another advantage of using the network of contacts is security, because we know that nobody would like to indicate a lousy professional.

4- Make Promises That You Can Fulfil

All promises must be fulfilled in any type of contract. If the company has a career plan or benefits, these should be real and available to the employee, since a promise made and not met generates problems, such as low productivity and even requests for resignation, which generates a new process of selection.

5- Play Clean

At the time of contracting, transparency is essential, both for the contracted and the contracting party. It is in that hour in which the professional must know all the culture of the company, the benefits, the challenges and even the possible problems that will be able to face. It is necessary to leave the entire recruitment process as clear as possible.

6- Do Dynamics

The basic step for a recruitment is the analysis of the resume. On your resume the candidate can place a lot of courses, conferences, etc. Thousands of information But can you verify that knowledge? Yes. Knowledge can be measured through dynamics or through well-known practical tests.

7- Think About The Future.

When hiring a professional it is important that you know if you are willing to learn. Since the area of IT requires constant learning, standing still is a sign of comfort. It is necessary that the professional wants to always learn by expanding his skill set.

8- Valorise The Experience.

When hiring is essential to take into account the experience, forget about stereotypes. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that older professionals are often seen as those who least adapt to the changes that occur in IT. On the other hand, generation Y is extremely flexible, innovative, creative, but also has difficulty accepting the hierarchy. They can also represent potential security risks because they usually enter their own personal networks to solve problems, they are like a bad investment because they change jobs and companies more frequently than the older ones.

9- Prefer The Willing IT Employees.

The employee that you’re hiring must be willing to learn, either through courses or even with other officials. Employees who are willing to learn are always a good investment for the company.



IT works
IT Works 365

IT Works 365 have been working in the field of IT technology and service since 2001 aiming to provide you with IT service 365 days and 24/7.