Learn Quantum Computing With Q-CTRL’s Balck Opal

It Writes
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2023
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Today, I just want to take a moment to talk about a platform called Black Opal. Before you ask, I have received no money for this, and in fact, I have paid money for this. What is this I have paid money for, you didn’t ask me, but I shall still tell you, it’s for a subscription by an organization called Q-CTRL. Q-CTRL’s Black Opal is a platform that helps people learn quantum computing.

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It takes a simple approach to a sometimes complex topic. You don’t have to be a programmer, a scientist, or a person with a background in math or physics, in order to use or benefit from Q-CTRL. While I’m sure all of these things would help, Q-CTRL has built their lessons around the idea that everyone is starting from ground zero.

Now, I’m not saying that there isn’t room for improvement. I’m not saying that Q-CTRL couldn’t use simpler language. However, I am saying that an average person can sign up for a free account, log in, and start learning without being totally discombobulated. Though you might still be confused, this is for two reasons.

The first is that some of the wording is just a bit off, and the second is that quantum computing is just straight up weird. Basically, you’ve got to be going into this expecting to be a wee bit flummoxed and willing to work through that. As long as you’ve got a gung-ho attitude and you’re willing to scrape off your metaphorical knees each time you trip and fall, you’re all good. More importantly, though, you’ve got some patience and a bucket full of curiosity.

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Learning quantum computing is one of those things that you might not be sure why you’d even bother with. I understand that, and while I can’t tell you why you want to do something, I can tell you why I’m doing something. I started the process of learning quantum computing using Q-CTRL because I know that this is something that’s going to be important in the near future.

I know that should quantum computing achieve the scale it hopes to, it’s going to be impacting everything from medicine, to finance, security, and infrastructure just to name a couple of sectors. I also know that anything that impacts that many things is something I want to sort of understand.

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I don’t need to be an expert, I don’t need to be capable of building a quantum computer. However, I’d like to be able to look at something based on quantum computing and know whether I’m staring at the head or the tail.

Q-CTRL can help you do that because it teaches you the fundamentals of quantum computing. I decided to pay for a full year of access to Q-CTRL and all of the modules that they have available. I did that because I’m one of those people that tends to enjoy traversing rabbit holes. However, you don’t need to do that. You don’t have to sign up for a subscription or give them your credit card if you want to get started on your quantum computer journey.

Instead, you can just create a free account, try out the first couple of lessons, and see if you like it. Quantum computing is something that’s worth checking out and getting involved in if you have the time.

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I also want to let everyone know that, once again, I am not being paid, and I’ve not been offered anything. I am sharing this resource because I want to do my bit to help ensure that no one is left behind during the 4th industrial revolution.

I’m going to be creating a couple more posts about quantum computing in the future, though I cannot tell you exactly when, as it is dependent on the speed at which I read several books, and also the quality of those books. Long story short, there will be more quantum computing information coming, but I will only be recommending and reviewing things that I find actually useful. Thank you for spending time with me, and adieu for now, at least.

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It Writes

Citizen Librarian, Storyteller, Pattern Finder, Problem Solver