World Summit Nobel Peace Laureates: present and future at the closing ceremony

Cristina Alexandris
The Italian Delegation Journal
2 min readNov 16, 2015

A t the presence of the Nobel Peace Laureates, soul of the workshops of the 15th edition of the Summit, Luiss' students have presented their Final Declaration.

It was the result of intense days of work of the Italian Delegation but also of International Students and volunteers who took part in this unique event.

On the big stage of the plenary hall of the Palau de Congressos in Barcelona, ​​after the speech of the NPLs, students presented their proposals on the basis of Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Touching moments thrilled the people in the room because of the depth - but at the same time immediacy and simplicity - of the arguments. Passion transpired in every inevitable trembling of voice.

In front of the white dove that becomes more and more complete while new pieces come together to her flight, the symbol of the Summit and background of the three days, inspired people talked about the Present and the Future.

The Present with the NPLs, also because of the terrible news of these days; the Future with the students, thanks to their passion and optimistic view. Possibile future, of course, because we all have to work hard for let it become a reality.

But, yeah, we believe it’s possible.



Cristina Alexandris
The Italian Delegation Journal

Journalist. Master's Degree in International Relations @UniLUISS. Editor in chief @lapsonline ~ Traveling is my passion!