Solo Travel for Women in Italy

Useful Tips for traveling alone

Celia Abernethy
7 min readJun 14, 2023


Venice, Italy — selfie on the Vaporetto

Solo travel for women has increased throughout the world, and Italy is on most female travelers' bucket lists. The art, culture, and history are irresistible. Solo travel is not only gratifying, but it's also an opportunity for growth, cultural enrichment, and developing a sense of self and independence.

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The pros certainly outweigh the cons when traveling alone. Being able to decide where to go, and what to see and not having to make compromises with other travel companions are benefits that trump the worries of being harassed or getting pickpocketed. However, making wise choices and staying safe should always be a priority.

I have been living in and traveling around Italy for over 20 years. In my experience, I have never had problems traveling alone here. I travel by plane, train, bus, public transportation, and I drive alone. When looking up at the skyscrapers of Milan or hunting for the wine windows of Florence, it is easy to become distracted and let your guard down. Here are some travel tips and tricks for women travelers that I have learned along the way.

A Guide to Solo Travel for Women in Italy

Yes, you are being watched

One of the first things you will notice when traveling in Italy is that you are being observed. It is not unusual for people, both men and women, to stare at you or look you up and down. Although it may be misinterpreted as being “checked out,” it’s not that at all. Italians like to look at what a person is wearing, how they walk, and how they present themselves. It’s a cultural characteristic that you get used to after spending time here.


Although I have never been a victim of a serious crime, I cannot say that I have never been harassed. Like anywhere, there will be arrogant, smug hooligans that think that by blowing you a kiss or moving to the seat next to you, you will suddenly fall head over heels. They will try to charm you in their broken English, ask you where you are going, and maybe even follow you.

The best thing to do in these cases is to distance yourself and go to an authority figure. Unless you are in an isolated area, there is always someplace to go. On a train, go to the conductor or ticket collector, stand near the driver on trams and buses, and in every museum, there are guards. In every train station, there is a police kiosk, or you can go to the ticket booth or newsstand. If you are in town, go into a shop or a cafe.

It’s best to avoid crowded trams and trains where people get too close. If someone tries to touch or grope you, the best thing to do is scream and then yell, “PORCO!” Porco means “pig” and will draw unwanted attention to the molester, and others will come to help.

I do not condone violence, but having a foldable umbrella in your purse, even if it’s not rainy, may prove useful for defense.

Bologna, Italy — when traveling solo, you often have to ask a stranger to take your photo. (Be careful they don’t run off with your camera or pass it on to a partner.)


Like anywhere in the world, pickpockets and petty thieves are wandering around Italy too. If you have good instincts, you will be able to spot them.

To protect your stuff, wear a cross-over shoulder bag and keep it close. If you can turn the closure inward, that is even better. Backpacks are comfortable, but they are prime targets and easy to unzip and reach into. If you do any shopping, keep the shopping bags close and bring them back to the hotel as soon as you can.

Walk near buildings, not near the curb, because drive-by purse snatching is not uncommon. Thugs on scooters swoop next to their victim and grab the bag.

Be aware of staged diversions. It is not uncommon for a team of criminals to stage a fight, argument, or simply ask for directions. They will use the distraction as an opportunity.

Don’t bring any valuables that you would hate to lose. Don’t show large quantities of cash or wear expensive jewelry. Of course, you want to look nice for dinner when you meet your friends, but wear some elegant costume jewelry instead of your vintage Rolex.

Stone staircase in Cervo, Italy
Cervo, Italy — A stone staircase leading to the BnB /Photo C. Abernethy

Don’t pack what you can’t carry

The best travel advice I have ever gotten was, “If you can’t carry your suitcase up and down a flight of stairs by yourself, unpack half of it!”

You cannot avoid staircases when traveling in Italy. There are staircases in the airport, train stations, metro lines, buildings, and everywhere else in between.

In many hilly towns and villages, you will find stone staircases and there is no way of avoiding them. In public transport hubs, there are escalators and elevators but unfortunately, you cannot depend on them always working. The worst thing for a solo female traveler is having to struggle with her luggage making her an easy target for pickpockets and petty thieves.

Use luggage with rubber wheels that are strong enough to bounce over cobblestones. Cobblestones are always found in the historical centers in Italy. If you are staying in the center of town, chances are your hotel or Airbnb will be on a cobblestoned street.

Rimini, Italy — Renting a city bike is a good way to see the sights without looking like a tourist.

Don’t look like a tourist

Sometimes it is hard to “fit in” and not look like a tourist, but there are some things you can do to make yourself less of a target.

Act like you belong there. An excellent way to see a city on your own is by bike. Some hotels offer bikes to guests, or bike rentals can be booked online. A bike also gives you a sense of belonging, as if you're just out doing your daily errands.

Don’t fuss around with tickets and looking for your place on the train. When traveling by train in Italy, have your tickets ready and validated. All paper train tickets in Italy need to be validated BEFORE getting on the train. There is a machine (it’s usually yellow) that prints the time and date on the ticket located at the beginning of the train track. E-tickets (booked n the Trenitalia app) do not need validation. If you are taking an intercity train, memorize the carriage and seat number so you can go directly to your place without fumbling to find it.

Pretend you know exactly where you’re going. When sightseeing, plan out your route. Before going anywhere, look at the map and the route you will take. Use the Google Street view feature to preview your destination. Get to know the landmarks or store names you will pass so you can get your bearings. If you use a phone with gps, use it with headphones and just listen to it, don’t look at your phone all the time.

If you feel like you are being followed, use shop windows as a mirror to look back or go into a women’s lingerie shop to deter anyone from following you.

Venice, Italy — It’s ok to look like a tourist (sometimes)!

One of the things I love doing when I travel is going for an early morning jog. It’s a great way to see the city without too many people around. My best photos of Venice were taken at 6:00 a.m. However, I have also run past druggies in a park in Bologna and witnessed a fistfight in an alley behind a supermarket in Venice. Although it is exciting to be alone in an unfamiliar area, you must keep your eyes open, be ready to turn back and stay clear of anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Always have your phone and some cash

I think it was Mae West who said, “A woman should always have lipstick and a 50-dollar bill in her purse. The lipstick to look nice for her date, and the 50-dollar bill to get a taxi when she gets tired of him.”

A 50-euro bill is good to have for those “just in case” situations. A credit card is fine too. Hiding money in your boot seems cliché but when you need it, it’s a lifesaver.

Keep your phone on. I have a terrible karmic relationship with my phone battery. It is always low when I need it most. When traveling alone, it is essential to be mindful and make sure your phone is working at all times. If you take a lot of photos and use it for mapping, it will run out of juice quickly, and if you need to make a call, you’re out of luck. When I travel, I carry a fully-charged power bank with me. If for some reason your SIM is not connecting, you can also make an emergency call without a SIM card. In Italy, the emergency number is 112. To call an ambulance call 112 or 118.

Lake Como, Itlay —Sometimes the best way to travel is alone.

#TravelSafe #Solotravel

Solo travel is one of life’s most enriching experiences and is empowering and liberating, but it is important to stay safe. Keep your eyes open, plan your routes and excursions in advance, and keep your valuables close. Buon Viaggio!

Article by Celia Abernethy

