Ask ITAM Anything, Whatever It May Be!

Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2019

ITAM will answer

Hello everyone! We at ITAM Games are currently working hard to prepare the blockchain mobile gaming store known as the ITAM Store, set to release 1Q of 2019.

Numerous people have been showing their support through our various social media channels, and a good number of you have had diverse questions regarding ITAM Games! Today, we have put together an event where you can ask all of the various questions you may have about us. Please compose your questions like the samples below, whether it be on the ITAM Store, our in-house game BlueDawn, ITAM Games in general, or any other services/games we have, and send it by January 25th. After receiving your questions, we will answer your curiosities!

Sample Questions

  • What is the vision of ITAM Games?
  • What kind of features does the ITAM Store have?
  • When can we play BlueDawn?

📝Ask Here!

The answers to the selected questions of the compiled messages received by January 25th will be prepared and revealed via the official ITAM Games social media channels. Thanks for your participation!

ITAM Games is a blockchain platform for a transparent gaming ecosystem

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