Blockchain Developer, Kwon Dong Jun

Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2018

We have met with Dongjun Kwon, the developer that was vital in the development of ITAM Network’s EOSCANNER and EOSTOCK services, which many EOS users have been utilizing.

Q00. Please introduce yourself.

My name is Dongjun Kwon, and I am a developer on ITAM Network’s Blockchain Development Team.

Q01. How did you join ITAM Network?

No too long before I joined ITAM Network, I was in preparation of starting a business that I believed was suitable for me. However, I found that that wasn’t the path for me, and shifted my focus on finding a fitting job that was in the field of blockchain. That’s when I found ITAM Network and joined.

Q02. What kind of work do you specifically do at ITAM Network?

Because I’ve always worked with JavaScript development, I am in charge of that part, and will be joining in blockchain contract development soon as well. Other than that, I’ve developed the EOSCANNER and EOSTOCK, and am also helping developing a DAPP.

Q03. How is blockchain development different from the typical development?

Other than basically incorporating blockchain technology, I don’t think there’s a big difference in using program languages that goes beyond making a main-net. That’s why I believe anyone can enter this field, and there’s absolutely no need to think of it as difficult. For those who have development experience, I believe if you just take one step at a time doing what you already know, then you can naturally learn.

Q04. What are some difficulties you face when developing?

Looking at blockchain on a macro level, I’m still new to and have difficulties in concepts such as encryption and multisig. However, I think this can be overcome if you just learn at your own pace. Moreover, in the case of the EOS Main-net that we are using, because EOS itself has an OS that’s very BP centric, if the BP that we have connected our service to disappears or if the data is wrong due to the BPs not syncing well, then we have a really hard time resolving and fixing our parts.

Q05. We heard there’s a specific reason you developed EOSCANNER?

I first began developing EOSCANNER because I wanted to practice what I can already do, and so decided to make an EOS block explorer. This ultimately ended up becoming and officially opening as a service for our company. Not only EOSCANNER, but EOSTOCK is a product reflecting my personality of wanting to create something with my own abilities, always challenging myself, and seeing results.

Q06. Please introduce any services you are planning to develop or update.

Because the EOS Full Node that will be used by ITAM is complete, I think we will be able to show the action data faster with ITAM’s services. With EOSTOCK, I’m thinking of adding an alert feature. In the long-run, there are plans to develop ITAM’s own extension and network.

Q07. What is your goal with ITAM Network?

My goal is to retire after the company does really well and I make 2 billion KRW (lol). I hope ITAM Network will be my last company.

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