CUBE’s BAS integration AMA w/ BNB Chain

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5 min readJun 3, 2022

Good day everyone! We recently joined the BAS integration AMA session by BNB Chain to share what our journey of BAS integration has been like and what the future of CUBE with BAS will look like.

Quick Intro of BNB Application Sidechain(BAS)

What is BAS?

BAS stands for “BNB Application Sidechain.” It is a powerful infrastructure framework that enables teams to easily launch their own blockchain on the BNB Chain ecosystem. This empowers projects to be able to build high speed transactions and ultra-low transaction fees on blockchain.

And one of the key positive factors of BAS is that it allows you to access all the benefits of the BNB chain ecosystem as a whole via its bridge, enabling you to have very close access to the largest user base blockchain.

Benefits of BAS

  1. Allows you to easily build your own blockchain with huge flexibility.
  • Configurations about validator set, tokenomics design, gas token choice.

2. High throughput

  • Over 5,000 TPS
  • Ultra-low gas fee
  • Full EVM compatibility

3. Your own blockchain

  • Integrate seamlessly into the rest of the chain ecosystem.


1. Why did you choose to build your blockchain on BAS

The main reason CUBE chose to build on BAS is because we wanted to bring the same level of expertise that BNB Chain offers, while also taking advantage of the extra stability and customizability that BAS offers.

One of our top priorities in developing any kind of service is user experience. And after a very thorough technical review of BAS by NodeReal, we found a lot of potential in BAS that can seamlessly integrate to the BNB chain while excluding unnecessary steps and fees on the user side.

We wanted our own chain as well to have more scalability and more focus on the product for our users.

2. What were you looking for in the customizability of BAS?

We put great focus on customizability and how much we can really interact with other Mainnets. Although BAS is currently in its infant stage, we realize that it has a lot of potential and a solid background that really brings light to the perks it offers.

3. Tell us about your validators set and what you think about it.

For us, we are thinking of recruiting multiple validators, as long as they don’t interfere with user experience. In this regard, we are currently in the process of choosing the right validators; the ones we can truly entrust at an enterprise level. That is expected to be completed within the following quarters. After that, we will be rolling forward to launch our mainnet on BAS.

4. How’s the integration with BAS experience been?

We have been in really close contact with the NodeReal tech team, and they’ve been very supportive with how we can bring our vision to life in the most stable way possible.

We’ve evaluated a lot of other side chains as well, but a major hurdle we found is that the other side chains come in a type of set package, and that’s not what we were looking for. Every project is different — Different user base, different kinds of systems, how to reward the validators, and so on and so forth. Thus, we needed and asked for a lot of customization from the NodeReal team, and found that they already have a really good tool set. Nevertheless, we want them to be improved even more so that the users don’t have to experience any kind of hassle.

At this point, we are doing a lot of designing and testing, but we are already getting the feeling that this sidechain has what it takes to really digest the amount of users we’re expecting without any issues.

5. What is the roadmap for your project on BAS?

Our roadmap on BAS for now is to put on and test a lot of different features. We are going to be doing intensive testing to see how they work out first, and currently there’s been no problem. It actually exceeded our expectations.

We are still in the process of testing. After all the testing is complete, we will take very active steps towards bringing forth the mainnet.

6. What are some challenges one may face with BAS?

Building a dApp and operating your own sidechain are two very different stories. There’s a lot of business discussions and decisions to be made. All of these require a lot of research; a lot of in-depth review of one’s own project.

Before considering a sidechain, you must look back at your own project and at what you really want to achieve with it. And ultimately, if BAS is the right fit — If it is, I say go for it.

7. How many games are going to come out this year?

The exact roadmap can’t be revealed at this point, but if you go to our webpage (, we have a lineup of games that will be releasing very soon. We have about 10 games uploaded on the webpage, ranging from sports games to war-like games, RPG to adventure, and more. We are trying to build a variety of games, and will have more than 10 games in the following quarters. That’s all I can openly say at this point :)

8. What advice do you have for those that would like to build their own sidechain?

Research, research research. One must do extensive research on other projects and what the other projects are doing, as well as what the other sidechains look like. At the same time, one must also look back at their own project. Reflect if you have enough token utility, and if you need the scalability to work on BAS. All in all, a lot of both internal and external exploration.

Moreover, of course NodeReal provides a lot of the technical support you need, but there’s still a lot of customization that needs to go in, meaning a lot of effort that you need to put in as well. Thus, if you believe that you have enough content for the users and that you have enough utility, then I recommend you do a very thorough research to see if BAS is the right fit for you.

We’ll be back with further updates and good news soon! Until then, ✌️

