FIN — Friday’s ITAM News | November, Week #3

Written by Eon Ha, Community & Content Manager at ITAM Games

4 min readNov 22, 2019


Friday, Friday, FRIDAY!! Happy Friday everyone!! It’s been about a months since our last “FIN” content, but that just shows how BUSY we’ve been at ITAM Games and had so many things going on, both in and out of the office! But we’re now back in the groove, and have got another ITAM FIN for you all! As the name suggests, in celebration of the end of the week (hence, FIN), we will be going over the news and updates regarding ITAM Games that were released not only this past week, but since our last FIN! That being said, let’s take a look at what went on at ITAM Games recently :)

1. ITAM Games X SDC19

The first news is that ITAM Games participated at SDC19, Samsung Developer Conference, held at the San Jose Conference Center! ITAM Games shared with the world the games by ITAM on the Samsung Blockchain Wallet and the Galaxy Store at this event. With many amazing and influential attendees that stopped by our booth, we received many positive feedback at SDC19! :)

2. ITAM Games X G-Star 2019

Also, we attended another BIG event last week! ITAM Games participated at the global gaming event ‘G-Star 2019’ held in Busan, South Korea! At the event, ITAM Games had a booth at the B2B exhibitions hall in order to introduce ‘BlueDawn’ and to network/meet with people from the industry! Long story short, the event went very well and we received very positive feedback from experts in the gaming world :)

We are continuously working to bring BlueDawn to life at a suitable time, while not sacrificing quality on the way. We at ITAM Games are always very thankful for the support our community has been showing us, and we will always work hard to bring you guys the utmost services!

3. The Collection RPG, BlueDawn — Gameplay Trailer

Next, we released a gameplay trailer of the in-house game being developed by ITAM Games, BlueDawn! BlueDawn is an RPG for both casual and hardcore gamers that has exquisite graphics and a captivating story. Create your own 5-character team and adventure into the many different modes of BlueDawn, such as Story Mode, PvP and PvE Modes, World Boss Raid, Labyrinths, and more! BlueDawn is set to release Q2 of 2020 and, more details will be released soon! :)

*Note: This trailer was made using early versions of the game. Thus, the quality will drastically improve in the completed version.

4. Dungeon Princess Online, the Dot-Style RPG — Coming This Holiday Season

We also announced that ‘Dungeon Princess,’ the 2D dot-style RPG game with a unique battle system that was available as a single-player game on the Play Store and App Store, will be updated and released as an Online Version that many people can enjoy together this holiday season! Dive into the world of Dungeon Princess’ addicting storyline and character relations, and beat the many dungeons available! The incredible illustrations of this RPG will surely capture your attention! Dungeon Princess boasts more than 430 set items as well as 12 characters, each with their own unique skills, that you can collect! Dungeon Princess, a gift for many this holiday season! :)

5. The Onion Knights Open Event Winners!!

The winners of the Open Event for The Onion Knights were announced as well! After a screening process for abuse has been conducted, a list of winners of the event have been selected. Please refer to the below link for the list of winners.


Thank you to everyone that participated in this event, and we hope to see you in future events as well! :)

*Note: The second sessions of the Open Events for ‘The Onion Knights’ and ‘CryptoFishing’ have been delayed until further notice.

6. In-App Payment Issues Due to CPU Issues, Now Working!

And finally, the EOS network faced some difficulties due to CPU issues which led to in-app purchases not working for a couple days on the ITAM Games services. We apologize to any users that faced inconveniences caused by this issue, but the problem is solved and in-app purchases are working now. However, the CPU status is unstable, and thus, this issue may reoccur for the time being. Please bare this in mind, and know that we are always trying our best to get things working ASAP!


That concludes this week’s FIN :) Thank you all for your love and support the past week, and please look forward to what we have in stores for next week!

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