GBC Token and NFT Costume Explained

Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2022

Hello Cubers and Bros,

We have returned with some vital information for you to assess the crypto design of Golden Bros. We have held an AMA at Golden Bros Discord channel last night, and we have organized the central topics here for anyone who have missed it.

Before we go ahead, we have already released the big news about postponing the remaining presales (80K remaining). As we have promised earlier, we will be sharing sets of information that will help you assess play value and earning potential of Golden Bros. Please enjoy the first session below!

The main topics today are:

(1) What’s GBC?

(2) How will I Earn?

(3) NFT usability

1. What’s GBC?

GBC is the main & sole game token that can be obtained by playing game modes and participating in global events. This GBC is private to the players and it will help sustain the tokenomics within the game for sustainable earnings in relations to each investment.

What’s GBC

How do you earn GBC?

Within the game, you can participate in:

(1) PvP Battle — where you will need at least 1 NFT costume to participate

(2) Survival Mode — where the last one standing will earn the most rewards

(3) League Competition — where the same league players will compete over a prize pool (higher your league, greater the potential reward)

Daily battle count of 10 for each NFT costume is only relevant to PvP Battle.

You can participate in Survival Mode and League Competition without affecting the battle count.

On the web side, you can participate in:

(1) NFT Staking — allows you to stake NFTs and earn various rewards from tokens to tickets!

(2) LP Reward — allows LP stakers to earn reward from $ITAMCUBE/GBC Liquidity Pool

ITAM CUBE will create the LP for the community from our own treasury.

Rest assured.

(3) Guild Rewards— allows guild participants to earn from a dedicated prize pool

What are the utilities of GBC?

Within the game, you can use GBC to:

(1) Recharge NFT durability — where you can consume some of your GBC earned to recharge your NFTs

(2) Character Growth — where you can level up your Bros faster to increase your chance to WIN!

(3) Activate Bros Code — where you can develop specific skill sets that are vital to your success in battles

Also, please look forward to future features that will release accordingly such as unlocking new contents! (“Hidden Links”)

On the web side, you can participate in:

(1) Exchange to $ITAMCUBE — allows you to cash out your GBC

(2) Token Staking — allows you to stake GBC & enjoy additional earnings based on APY

More features will update as we progress through the roadmap. BrosToon NFT Pool is already live and it is one of the many perks we will add to the larger Bros ecosystem.

2. How much will I earn?

This topic surmounts to all the questions you have had about the utility of NFT costume, such as $299 value of the NFT costume, Expected amount of GBC token, Break Even Point for the initial investment.

You need at least 1 NFT costume to start earning tokens from battles, and the rate is different for each costume. Please note that the calculations are based on $299 value of Luxury [ R ] grade costume included in the Mystery Box.

How much will I earn?

Based on 50% win rate & average League Tier between 3~3.5, the amount of GBC tokens you will be earning on average is clear.

  • If you have a Premium grade NFT costume, you will be able to earn 1135 GBC tokens within 15 days.
  • If you have a Luxury grade NFT costume, you will be able to earn 890 GBC tokens within the same 15 days.

And yes, you can earn more than above within the same time if you have:

(1) Higher Win Rate

(2) Higher League Tier

This brings us to the BEP (Break Even Point) of 5~10 days on average. We want to be as conservative as possible, so anyone who can be slower in getting used to the battles will take a few more days up to 14 days.

After 150 battles, you can RECHARGE durability when it reaches zero, so you can continue using the same NFT and engage in battles. With this said, one of the perks during Early Access is that you do not need to worry about recharging for 4 weeks until the Grand Launch.

3. NFT Usability

We treat NFT as a limited supply. Unlike other projects that will continuously stamp out NFTs for sale, we have a set Total Supply & Initial Supply Supply, similar to tokens. This is to regulate the internal economy of GBC and avoid abusive activities of non-players.

  • Total NFT supply cap = 300K
  • Initial Circulating NFT = 100K (20K already minted, 80K not yet)

So, how do we plan to manage this supply and keep it under the community’s radar?

NFT usability

You can recharge your NFT costume up to 7 times after you use up all the durability. This means that the NFT can’t be used forever.

Without this limitation, there is no other way we can promise a steady and fair return to your investment. Abusers will continue to abuse and high ranking payers will sit on top of everyone else until the end of the game life cycle, inflating the economy for general users to endure the loss. To hedge this risk most effectively, the durability mechanism is carefully designed so that the users will receive expected ROI within their expectation, while protecting the price of NFT and GBC tokens.

🔥GB Buyback System🔥 will sustain earnings and add motivation to loyal players

Even with this consensus, it will be unfair for our loyal users who reach max number of recharges if we do not take any action. We will be providing a pool where you can stake those NFTs to burn and receive diverse rewards from tokens to Whitelist tickets to continue playing Golden Bros with an added advantage. In Q3, we are planning cross-game rewards as well to support all who have added value to our community and game.

Thank you for all the support and interest in Golden Bros. The foundation we bring is here to last and reward anyone who enters our ecosystem. We are open to suggestions and feedbacks, so please leave them at the official discord channel for us to explore.

Thank you,

ITAM CUBE & Golden Bros Team

