First meeting of MSF Forum

Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2022

Hello, Cubers 👋

In June, the Metaverse Standards Forum (MSF) organization was launched to foster the creation of interoperability standards at Standards Developing Organizations by actively discussing the metaverse topics. More than 650 members around the world have agreed to bring the future of metaverse.

It was surprising to see that more than 200 members participated in MSF’s first regular meeting. MSF’s first meeting started off discussing the process of how +650 companies will work together for creating an open metaverse ecosystem. The key to establishing an open metaverse ecosystem is to make every technology and services interactable within the ecosystem. Marc Petit from Epic Games said that it can test interoperability through forums and have a positive impact on the metaverse ecosystem through real projects.

We summarized key aspects from the meeting. Let’s have a look together.

1.Gather interoperability Topics from all members

Metaverse related topics will be gathered from the members for further discussion and projects like Geospatial ontologies, 3D Asset Interoperability, Payment frameworks and more. Over 100 topics already listed.

2.Organize Topics into Domains

Each topic needs respective knowledge. The topics will be organized according to domains like standards registry, geospatial, ethics and privacy and a lot more to enhance the quality of discussion and cooperation.

3.Create Domain Working Groups

Members who are interested in specific domains will be divided into small groups and the chairman of each group will be elected. Each group will create its own schedule and start to create project proposals relative to the domain.

4.Create Project Subgroups

Each small group will form project subgroups to focus on planning, meeting and executing the project.

5.Publish Project Work Products

Each project’s members will work towards creating the final product under specific domains like standards registry, guidelines and recommendations, open-source tooling and so on.

*Once again, the forum does not create standards itself. It actively communicates with Standards Developing Organizations to foster the creation of standards.

There will be a whole lot of projects coming out of MSF in the near future! We are looking forward to working with these amazing metaverse frontiers! We will keep you posted so stay tuned for more news on CUBE in MSF!

