Intro to ITAM’s Play-to-Earn Model

Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2021

Creating a Blockchain Game Ecosystem with ITAM Middleware Technology

What is NFT?

NFT is an abbreviation for Non-fungible Token, which is an irreplaceable token, NFT is a type of digital currency, because of its uniqueness, it cannot be duplicated or exchanged with the digital currency of the same nature/name. Its uniqueness allows users to value their digital assets such as artworks and game items giving them true ownership.

Evolution of game contents

What is the difference between ordinary games and NFT games? The key difference is the ownership of the game items.

In ordinary games, the developer/publisher is the owner of the items in the game. No matter how a user acquires a superb item when the game ceases to be serviced, the ownership is lost. With NFT games, that is not the case. Even if the service is terminated, the ownership of NFT belongs and remains with the user. Users will be able to hold and own NFT items in their wallets.

As such, NFT technology has shifted the concept of ownership, and more and more developers are trying to adopt the technology and/or develop NFT games. However, it is not easy to integrate NFT technology into already published games. This may be a technically difficult task, or even impossible, that may require the game to be developed again from scratch.

ITAM is well aware of the fact and developed an easy way to integrate NFT into existing games by utilizing a middleware, the ITAM middleware.

ITAM Middleware : Converting regular games to blockchain games

ITAM Middleware supports game developers to integrate their games with blockchain systems with ease. This allows ordinary games to be converted into blockchain-enabled games. The transition takes less than a month for the conversion, an innovative game-changer for the developers.

“Lime Odyssey M” is the first blockchain-enabled game to be released by using ITAM Middleware. The ITAM foundation plans to source good quality games and publish them as blockchain-enabled games. Through the NFT marketplace, “NFT.Farm”, ITAM plans to provide the expanded utility of ITAM tokens with those published games.

Also, through NFT.Farm, ITAM Middleware can be applied not only to the items of the game but also to other digital assets including (but not limited to) video arts and more. The application will be the same conferring ownership and authentication of NFT assets.

Brief description of the technical structure of ITAM Middleware

1. The user connects the wallet in the game and requests the NFT of the items acquired.

2. If the request is successful, the game company will convert the item to a locked state. You cannot use the item in the game when it is locked.

3. When the user connects the wallet in NFT.Farm, you can check the NFT on MyPage.

4. You can sell/transfer/delete NFT items in NFT.Farm marketplace.

5. If you want to use NFT again in the game, change the NFT to the locked state on MyPage.

6. The game company changes the status of the item to usable and makes it available to users again.

For more information on the technical structure, please click the link below. You can find a detailed explanation in the middleware manual.

ITAM Middleware Manual [Link]

Where ITAM foundation aim to

Content is King. Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet. For the Internet to thrive, content providers must be paid for their work.

– Bill Gates

As Bill Gates said, to create a healthy ecosystem, content creators must be rewarded fairly.

With ITAM middleware technology that can easily apply blockchain to game content, game companies can respond to the high demand for NFT games and create a profit structure. ITAM wants to promote win-win by bringing attractive games, the king of content.

ITAM’s Middleware will play a role in connecting game developers, blockchain, and users. We will keep trying to create a healthy blockchain game ecosystem and NFT marketplace, and provide better value to ITAM holders.

