ITAM DADEX, The Digital Asset Exchange Platform

Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2019

Introducing the ITAM DADEX

ITAM DADEX is a digital asset exchange being prepared alongside the ITAM Store, which is expected to release in March, that allows transactions of digital assets between users.

ITAM DADEX is a decentralized digital asset exchange, and is what will fully enable the ITAM Store to become a meaningful blockchain gaming platform. It allows users to buy and sell the various digital assets that they earned while playing blockchain games.

Through ITAM DADEX’s key features of decentralization and transparency, it aims to solve the many problems the existing centralized digital asset exchanges face due to being untransparent. Users are able to transact digital assets that are transparently registered on the blocks, and are free from any interferences or malicious attempts by third-parties for self-profit.

Even with the innovative technology incorporated in ITAM DADEX, it still remains a similar UX/UI of existing digital asset exchanges, offering not only convenience, but also a way for users to be rewarded for the time and effort they put into games through an organic blockchain connection. It’ll truly be an authentic blockchain digital asset exchange.

ITAM DADEX will start off as an exchange for digital assets of games, but the long-term goal is to have it become a platform where all types of blockchain assets can be exchanged.

ITAM Games is a blockchain platform for a transparent gaming ecosystem

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